Risk Management & Behavior Master Class

Masterclass Risicomanagement En Gedrag
Online brochure
Start- and course dates
June 17, 2025
Utrecht Campus
November 25, 2025
Tilburg Campus
3 days
€ 3900 (exempt from VAT)
Number of locations
Multiple locations
Executive Education - Open Programs

Risk Management & Behavior Master Class

Risk management has long focused on blueprint management: the continuous management of risks. This no longer suffices. In this interactive master class, we show you how human behavior influences risk management, and vice versa. With practical tools. Whether you’re an auditor that wants to learn how to set up risk management in your organization or if you’ve been in the risk management game for a long time, but don’t know how to achieve the desired behavior.

Why TIAS School for Business & Society?

  • Financial Times top-ranked business school for executive and in-company education.
  • All lecturers are top experts from academia and the business world.
  • Directly applicable scientific and practical knowledge.
  • Flexible programs tailored to your needs.

Participant profile

Participants in the Risk Management & Behavior Master Class are professionals from the business world and the public sector whose duties include risk management. Participants are looking for scientific insights and practical added value. They have at least 5 years of work experience and a higher professional or university degree.

Our participants include:
  • Risk managers
  • Business consultants
  • Controllers
  • Policy officers
  • Quality advisers
  • Account managers

Admission requirements

We strive for participant groups full of talent, experience and potential. For this reason, we apply admission requirements. This lets us guarantee the highest quality education for you.

We expect:

  • At least 5 years of work experience in a relevant role
  • Ability to work and think at the higher professional or university level.

Design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence.

Our master classes also let you design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence. You take five master classes, choose a concentration in personal leadership and write a final paper applying your new knowledge.

Popular tracks:

You can also choose other subjects to build your Leadership & Management track.

Discover how human behavior influences risk management

The Risk Management & Behavior Master Class gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the current risk management practices of many regulatory bodies and organizations. You learn the general make-up of traditional risk management, and why it still offers value. You also discover how human behavior influences risk management. This combination is unique in the Netherlands. Participants come from both the private and public sectors. This mixed group leads to surprising and interesting insights.

What does the Risk Management & Behavior Master Class offer for you?

  • You have insight into the role of behavior in setting up and evaluating risk management systems.
  • You understand how formal systems affect employee behavior.
  • You’re able to maintain professional distance from formal systems, to better assess the ins and outs of risk management in your organization.
  • You have practical tools for a new form of risk management, that you can start using at your workplace right away.

Program design Risk Management & Behavior Master Class

The Risk Management & Behavior Master Class is highly interactive, with ample space to focus on your own specific learning objectives. In any case, it looks at the ways in which risk management can and cannot contribute towards organizational goals. This includes the limitations of risk management, and the potential drawbacks associated with these. In addition, we give attention to risk appetite and risk perception, at both the organizational and individual levels. The role of human drivers in risk management is also a key part of the program.

Day 1
On day 1, we cover topics like traditional risk management systems and types of risks. For this, we use the assignment you prepared in advance, as well as group assignments.

Day 2
The second day focuses on risk culture. We examine control measures and their effectiveness. We also cover risk appetite and the negative aspects of risk management.

Day 3
Day 3 examines risk perception and human drivers. You learn about their influence on risk management and how you can influence them.

Dates and locations Risk Management & Behavior Master Class

The Risk Management & Behavior Master Class offers different starting dates:

NameLocationStart date
Risk Management & Behavior Master Class - 17, 18, 19 June 2025Utrecht CampusJune 17, 2025
Risk Management & Behavior Master Class - 25, 26, 27 November 2025Tilburg CampusNovember 25, 2025

Costs Risk Management & Behavior Master Class

The cost of the Risk Management & Behavior Master Class is € 3900 (exempt from VAT).

This price includes:

  • Catering packages (lunch, coffee or tea and soft drinks) during lecture periods
  • Enrollment, registration and administration costs
  • Access to the online learning environment
  • Mandatory reading material, textbooks and learning resources

Expand your professional development with the Master Class Bundle

Choose 3 master classes of your choice, save €2000, and create even greater impact for yourself and your organization. Quickly and effectively improve your knowledge and skills by connecting the latest academic insights to current issues in your own practice. Learn more about the Master Class Bundle.

How do you finance your education?

You have found the program that best suits your learning goals and ambitions. But how do you finance this? There are different ways to do that. Your employer can play a role, but there are also interesting statutory regulations that you can use yourself. We list the possibilities for you.

Read about the possibilities here »

Faculty Risk Management & Behavior Master Class


Arco van de Ven
Full Professor

Start your application

After your registration you will receive, if you are applicable, within 5 days a confirmation of your registration. If there are any doubts about your admissibility, the Program Adviser will contact you.
Wendy van Haaren
Wendy van Haaren
Program Adviser
+311 346 63 982

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Participant rating
Our participants rate the Risk Management & Behavior Master Class with a
Participant rating
Our participants rate the Risk Management & Behavior Master Class with a

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