Alumni Life Long Development - Free Alumni membership

At TIAS we believe in Life Long Development; continuous professional, personal and network development during and after your studies. With more knowledge, better skills and a larger network you can create greater impact and success. We offer special services for your Life Long Development.  

Details of the services of the Life Long Development for alumni:

TIAS Connect Community Portal

As alumnus you will receive invitations to alumni network meetings, knowledge updates and live webcasts through the TIAS Connect community portal. And, TIAS Connect enables you to easily stay in touch with classmates, expand your network as well as find and post job vacancies and business opportunities. Make sure you join at

Start-up Pitch Event

Do you need a boost to start your own business or just want to learn more about entrepreneurship? Pitch your entrepreneurial idea to Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij and win 1-year free guidance in setting up your start-up!
Or, if you want to learn more about entrepreneurship without the intention to start your own business, this is the ultimate opportunity as well. 

Personal Coaching Orientation Session

We know how important personal and professional development are for our alumni. Therefore, we offer alumni the possibility of an Orientation Session for Coaching with one of our experienced coaches. 

Career Consulting Orientation Session & Career Development Services

Are you considering a next step in your career? During the free orientation session with a Career Consultant you will discuss your work experience and more specifically your wishes, ambitions and expectations regarding the next step in your career. You will discuss and define what will be the best approach to reach your goals.

Should you thereafter wish further career development services such as such as CV checks, LinkedIn advice, network meetings, preparation job interview etc., you will be charged for each session. 

Life Long Development Educational Programs

After your studies at TIAS, you are not finished with learning as the world is continuously changing. TIAS offers a broad portfolio of educational programs that can support you at each stage of your professional career. TIAS alumni* receive a 10% discount on the TIAS open programs.

*TIAS alumni have completed at least 16 days of a TIAS program.


Do you have any questions about the TIAS alumni services? Contact us via

TIAS Connect community portal

Alumni receive invitations to alumni network meetings, knowledge updates and live webcasts through the TIAS Connect community portal. Stay in touch with classmates, expand your network, find job vacancies and business opportunities. Join at

Join at

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