Prof.dr. Arco van de Ven RA
Full Professor
Expert areas: Accounting & Control (Accounting Information Systems, Internal Control, Management ), Business & Society (Corporate Governance, Strategic Corporate Governance), Context (Economics, Sociology, Technology), Finance (Corporate Governance, Financial Management, Risk Management), Health & Education (Business Processes), Information Technology (IT Governance), Management & Organisation (Business Administration, Change Management, Information Management, Risk Management)
Prof. Dr. Arco van de Ven RA (1964) has been a professor at TIAS since 2008 and a partner of ACN Management Consultants in the field of risk management, controlling and the design of the financial function. He is a former professor of Controlling at the Open University. In the past, Arco has had final responsibility for the financial function within various organizations, including the food wholesaler the Karsten Group, ELQ mortgages and the Central Criminal Investigation Information Service. He is currently a member of the Supervisory Board and chairman of the audit committee of Aafje, a member of the disciplinary board of the VRC and since January 1, 2023 a member of the Supervisory Board and chairman of the audit committee of Hof Wonen.
- Van Neerbos, L., & van de Ven, A.C.N. (2021). Horizontaal toezicht in de zorg: het belang van interne beheersing en vertrouwen. Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 95(5/6), 179-190.
- Van Zetten-Donkersloot R, van de Ven A .C.N. (2021) Integrated reporting in het MKB: een casestudy. Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 95(3/4), 107-116.
- Van de Ven, A.C.N. (2021). Internal Audit vroeger en nu: complexiteit en onzekerheid. In van Twist M, Breedveld J, Vlak, M. (red). Auditors adviseren – Advies door en voor auditors. Rotterdam: Erasmus School of Accounting and Auditing (pp. 23-26).
- Van de Ven, A.C.N. (2019). Risicomanagement en maatschappelijke waarde – het belang van een teleo-affectieve structuur. In Aernoudts, R., Minnaar, R., Visser, M. en Wagensveld (red). De performatieve professor. Liber amicorum for prof. dr. Ed Vosselman presented at his farewell lecture Management Accounting at the Radbouduniversiteit Nijmegen, pp. 93-101.
- De Groot, T., & van de Ven, A.C.N. (2019). The classroom as a community of interpretation: Discussing earnings management practices as more than solely purposeful interventions. Qualitative Research on Accounting and Management, 16(4), 491-516.
- Van Raaij, B.T.G., & van de Ven, A.C.N. (2018). Betere financiële prognoses in business cases door de toepassing van big data. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 92(9/10), 255-263.
- van de Ven, A.C.N. (2018). Administratieve Organisatie en Informatietechnologie: van fremdkörper op weg naar singulariteit. In Vaassen, E., Koopman, A. (red) Accountant en Ziener. Liber Amicorum for prof. dr. Hans Verkruijsse RE RA presented at his farewell lecture as professor Accounting Information Systems at the Tilburg University, Tilburg University, pp. 36-46.
- Knoop, A.S., & van de Ven, A.C.N. (2016). Ontwikkelen decentrale controllers in de zorg zich tot business partners? Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 90(6), 226-237.
- Wilms, I.R.J., van de Ven, A.C.N. (2016). Soft controls die het verschil maken, Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 90(4), 124-136.