Design and contents of the Business Valuation Program
The Business Valuation Program delves into both the theoretical and practical challenges of business valuation. After completing the program, you will be able to apply your newly acquired insights and knowledge directly in your work. As an indispensable business partner for senior management and clients, you contribute to and accelerate sound and sustainable decision-making.
Program aims
The depth and scope of the program allows you to:
- understand the importance of valuation in different listed and non-listed settings
- identify the different scenarios in which business valuations are done
- identify the different methods and valuation techniques and select the one most suited to the scenario at hand
- list the roles played by public and private markets in business valuation
- identify the key value drivers
The Business Valuation Program comprises seven modules that are taught over a 15-month period. Each module consists of four weeks of online learning during which students prepare themselves for the three-day in-class sessions. The study load is 12 to 15 hours a week. The modules:
- Principles of Business Valuation
- Quantitative Tools for Financial Management
- Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Valuing Private Companies, part 1
- Valuing Private Companies, part 2
- Elective course: Financial Data Analytics / Mergers & Acquisitions
- Elective cours: Management Accounting / Real Estate Finance
- Optional:Tax law
The program is concluded with the individual writing of a Valuation Report, based on a real-life case.
Benefit from our flexible learning approach. You can plan the study period over longer than the outlined 13-month period, or simply opt to design your own modular package with modules that are relevant for you, without taking the full program. The program starts twice a year.
End result: TIAS certificate and title RV
Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate of participation in the Business Valuation Program. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO)
and by the Dutch Institute for Register Valuators (NIRV). You will obtain the title Register Valuator (RV) once you have completed the program and successfully defended your Valuation Report. In addition to defending your Valuation Report, you will also have to go through the NIRV assessment.