Prof.dr. Philip Joos

Prof.dr. Philip Joos

Full Professor
Expert areas: Accounting & Control (Financial Accounting), Business & Society (Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility), Finance (Capital Markets, Corporate Governance, Financial Analysis, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Venture Capital)


Prof.dr. Philip Joos is professor of accounting at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) and is part of the TIAS Finance LAB. He studied business economics at the University of Ghent, obtained his Master of Science in Finance from the Vlerick School of Management, a Master in Statistics and PhD in Accounting from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University (US). His research is situated in the area of empirical financial accounting. The dissertation research at Stanford University focused on earnings prediction and accounting-based equity valuation, with a specific application in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. He also investigated the role of earnings and R&D quality measures in a real options valuation model. He conducted several studies on default risk assessment, also in the context of initial public offerings. He published several studies on the effects of IFRS implementation in the EU. Recently he is involved in several research projects on the economic effects of ESG reporting. Philip published in international academic journals such as the Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting Review, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, the European Accounting Review, and Financial Management.

In 2020 he became the academic director of the new Tilburg Institute for Private Debt. At Tilburg University, he was the vice dean education between 2013 and 2018, the academic director of the Master of Accounting, and the Research Coordinator of the Research Group Accounting of CentER (until 2010). From 2010 to 2013 he was the academic dean of TIAS School for Business & Society. Before his appointment at Tilburg University, he was a professor at the Simon School of Business Administration of the University of Rochester (US). He has extensive graduate and executive teaching experience. He taught MBA accounting courses at the Simon School of Business of the University of Rochester. He teaches two PhD-level courses in the Research Master program, and taught a financial accounting theory course in the MSc accounting program at TiSEM. Philip is involved in several executive courses at TIAS, and received the TIAS Best Teacher Award in December 2009 and June 2018.

In the period 2017-2019 prof. Joos was the President of the European Accounting Association, and he was the co-founder of the EAA Accounting Resources Centre, focused on supporting young scholars. In 2019, he became the chairman of the new EAA Education Committee and organized the first virtual education workshops. 


  • Demers, E., Hendrikse, J., Joos, P., & Lev, B. (2021). ESG did not immunize stocks during the COVID‐19 crisis, but investments in intangible assets did. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting48(3-4), 433-462.
  • Dierynck, B. & P.P.M. Joos (2020) Research and Development Costs of New Drugs, The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol.324 n.5, 516-17. 
  • Joos, P.P.M. & L. Meijdam (2019) Innovation in higher education: needed and feasible, Tilburg Series in Academic Education, 60 pgs., January 2019, ISBN 978-94-6167-385-5
  • Beuselinck, C., Joos, P.P.M., Khurana, I. & van der Meulen S. (2017) Which Analysts Benefited Most From Mandatory IFRS Adoption in Europe, Journal of International Accounting Research (Fall 2017), vol.16 n.3, pp.171-190
  • Goh, L., Joos, P.P.M. & Soonawalla, K. (2016)Determinants and valuation implications of imperfect stock option disclosures.  Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting  vol.27 n.1, 26-64.