Dr. Eric Dooms

Dr. Eric Dooms

Associate Professor
Expert areas: Strategy & Innovation (Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management)


Eric Dooms is Associate Professor of Strategy and Academic Director of the full-time and executive MBA programs. He obtained his PhD from Tilburg University on a study of headquarter-subsidiary relationships in large corporations. Since 1997, he has held various positions at Tilburg University, starting as a lecturer and researcher and gradually moving into Academic Director roles for BSc and MSc programs. He was involved in collaborative programs with secondary schools, was a member of the committee to assess teaching quality of new faculty, and contributed to the development of the new educational vision of Tilburg University. Eric has teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate programs. He participated in fundamental and applied research projects in the area of strategy and organization. He currently holds a position as Associate Professor and Academic Director at TIAS School for Business and Society.


  • Douma, S. W., Dooms, E., & van Oijen, A. (2020). Ondernemingsstrategie. (8 ed.) Noordhoff.
  • van Oijen, A., Dooms, E., & Douma, S. W. (2016). Ondernemingsstrategie. (7 ed.) Noordhoff.