AI, Data & Tech

Results of your customer are leading. Rewatch the webinar!

June 8, 2017 | 1 min read

‘Not your own results are leading, but the results of your customer,’ says Prof. Paul Grefen. He elaborated about this topic during his webinar about the combination of supply chain management and the outcome economy. An interview. 


Rewatch the Webinar

 ‘How do you set up your supply chains, your value chains, and your service chains?’, Grefen (picture) starts. ‘In the outcome economy, companies focus on outcomes and measurable results. Not your own results are leading, but the results of your customer. You try to optimize your products and/or services, such that they contribute optimally to the success of your customers. An example of a company that thought in an old fashion was Kodak. It focused on optimizing their products, their photo cameras. Kodak built very good cameras, without thinking about what their customers really wanted. As a result, Kodak disappeared out of the landscape of photography. If you have happy customers, you will be happy.’

What makes this topic relevant these days?

We are living in a complex world of b2b and b2c, where we see that supply chains become much more integrated. Nowadays we have a fast moving economy. Customers want to be more in control of the quality of the products. To stay competitive you need to think more about what the customers want and how to influence the success of these customers. If you don’t, you will become isolated and turn into another Kodak. Involve your customer. Get feedback on his performance. How this works, I will present during the webinar in a control model, a helpful tool that viewers can easily use to understand their own business from an outcome economy point of view. That way we bridge the gap between theory and practice. 

Who is your target audience?

Decision makers in companies that produce products or services that think they have an important influence in the way their customers do business. These are mission critical products and services.

Why should people watch your webinar?

I show them the various aspects of thinking of outcome economy and supply chains, control system perspective, business perspective, and technological perspective, how you put these in a model and how you can see the connection between these aspects. How they tie things together so we can go further and explore the topic. I will show some captivating examples to place things in business practice. 
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