Implement digital innovation with the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class
Technological advances give rise to new customer behavior, forms of competition, distribution channels, and regulations, as well as enormous volumes of data. Trends like AI, Big Data, the Internet of Things and algorithmization bring new opportunities, even as they pose new challenges. And every organization must grapple with them. Standing still is not an option. “Digital Transformation”, the integration of digital technologies and solutions into every organization unit, requires both technological and cultural change. In this master class, you discover how digital transformations work, and how your organization can make the most of them.
Participant profile
Participants in the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class are experienced and ambitious managers or professionals. They are looking for scientific insights and practical added value. They have at least 5 years of work experience and a higher professional or university degree.
Our participants include:
- Innovation managers
- Regional directors
- Management advisers
- Marketing managers
- Product owners
- Directors
Executive Master Informatie Management en Digitale Transformaties
Do you want a more in-depth program in the form of an accredited master? Take a look at the Executive Master of Information Management & Digital Transformations.
Design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence.
Our master classes also let you design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence. You take five master classes, choose a concentration in personal leadership and write a final paper applying your new knowledge.
Popular tracks:
You can also choose other subjects to build your Leadership & Management track.