Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class

Masterclass Artificial Intelligence En Digital Transformation
Online brochure
Start- and course dates
December 9, 2024
Tilburg Campus
June 17, 2025
Utrecht Campus
December 1, 2025
Tilburg Campus
3 days
€ 3900 (exempt from VAT)
Number of locations
Multiple locations
Executive Education - Open Programs

Implement digital innovation with the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class

Technological advances give rise to new customer behavior, forms of competition, distribution channels, and regulations, as well as enormous volumes of data. Trends like AI, Big Data, the Internet of Things and algorithmization bring new opportunities, even as they pose new challenges. And every organization must grapple with them. Standing still is not an option. “Digital Transformation”, the integration of digital technologies and solutions into every organization unit, requires both technological and cultural change. In this master class, you discover how digital transformations work, and how your organization can make the most of them.

Participant profile

Participants in the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class are experienced and ambitious managers or professionals. They are looking for scientific insights and practical added value. They have at least 5 years of work experience and a higher professional or university degree.

Our participants include:

  • Innovation managers
  • Regional directors
  • Management advisers
  • Marketing managers
  • Product owners
  • Directors

Executive Master Informatie Management en Digitale Transformaties 

Do you want a more in-depth program in the form of an accredited master? Take a look at the Executive Master of Information Management & Digital Transformations.

Design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence.

Our master classes also let you design your own track and earn your TIAS Diploma of Excellence. You take five master classes, choose a concentration in personal leadership and write a final paper applying your new knowledge.

Popular tracks:

You can also choose other subjects to build your Leadership & Management track.

Separate the digital wheat from the chaff with the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class

Many organizations realize they need to do “something” with new technologies. But they struggle to get their bearings in the new technology landscape. That’s where this master class comes in. It enables organizations to both identify and capitalize on new opportunities. So they not only keep pace with the competition, but actually stay one step ahead. You’ll gain insights into the latest technological advances, and learn how to cut through the noise, to find the right technologies for your organization’s goals. Of course, that’s a major factor in an organization’s survival.

What does the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class offer you?

  • You have insight into the impact of technology trends like AI, Big Data, algorithmization and the Internet of Things.
  • You know what a digital transformation entails, and what it means for your business and organizational model.
  • You enjoy a deeper understanding of your organization’s digital strategy, and how to improve it.
  • You know which of the available data and technologies you can effectively leverage to shape your digital strategy.
  • You understand the challenges facing other participants’ organizations, and how they are dealing with them.

Program Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class

The 3-day Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class starts with a general overview of digital transformations and what drives them. How is the world changing, and why is it so hard to get your bearings in the new technology landscape? We delve into the impact of digital transformations on organizations, and how to get more value from the data at your disposal. In addition, you gain the organizational tools to apply your new knowledge in your own organization. We blend scientific insights with case studies and best practices from prominent organizations, assignments and the day-to-day work of participants.

Day 1: Digital opportunities

A digital transformation is not over once something is “digital”: that’s only the beginning. On Day 1, you discover what digital transformation entails, and the opportunities it brings.

Day 2: Digital deep-dive into practical applications

Day 2 focuses on how Big Data can actually make your organization more intelligent. We demonstrate this using case studies from sectors such as health care.

Day 3: Digital transformation

The third day covers the setup of your digital strategy. You learn the tools to get started with digital transformations in your own organization.

Executive Master Informatie Management en Digitale Transformaties 

Do you want a more in-depth program in the form of an accredited master? Take a look at the Executive Master of Information Management & Digital Transformations.

Dates and locations Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class.

The Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class is offered in Dutch and has different starting dates and locations:

NameLocationStart date
Master Class Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation - 9, 10, 11 December 2024Tilburg CampusDecember 9, 2024
Master Class Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation - 17, 18, 19 June 2025Utrecht CampusJune 17, 2025
Master Class Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation - 1, 2, 3 December 2025Tilburg CampusDecember 1, 2025

Costs Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class

The cost of the Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Master Class is € 3900 (exempt from VAT). 

This price includes:

  • Catering packages (lunch, coffee or tea and soft drinks) during lecture periods
  • Enrollment, registration and administration costs
  • Access to the online learning environment
  • Mandatory reading material, textbooks and learning resources

Expand your professional development with the Master Class Bundle

Choose 3 master classes of your choice, save €2000, and create even greater impact for yourself and your organization. Quickly and effectively improve your knowledge and skills by connecting the latest academic insights to current issues in your own practice. Learn more about the Master Class Bundle.

How do you finance your education?

You have found the program that best suits your learning goals and ambitions. But how do you finance this? There are different ways to do that. Your employer can play a role, but there are also interesting statutory regulations that you can use yourself. We list the possibilities for you.

Read about the possibilities here »


Erik Beulen
Full Professor
Rudy Moenaert
Full Professor

Start your application

After your registration you will receive, if you are applicable, within 5 days a confirmation of your registration. If there are any doubts about your admissibility, the Program Adviser will contact you.

Wendy van Haaren
Wendy van Haaren
Program Adviser
+311 346 63 982

A TIAS customized program for your company?

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Participant rating
Our participants rate the Master Class Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation with a
Participant rating
Our participants rate the Master Class Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation with a