IBM and SynerScope participate in new Analytics Track
June 10, 2015 | 1 min read
The companies IBM and SynerScope will actively engage in the new Business Analytics Specialization Track of the two TIAS MScBA programs. Both companies have a lot of experience in the Business Analytics field.
Image: © Nationale Beeldbank
Chief Data scientist dr. Willem van Hage and CEO Jan-Kees Buenen MBA of Synerscope and dr. Zoltán Szlávik and drs. Ronald Teijken of IBM will share their experiences. Other faculty members of the track are professor Ronald Mahieu, director of the TIAS Business Analytics LAB and professor Paulo Gonçalves.
The MscBA-program starts with a solid foundation in business management to understand the decision making nature across various functional areas such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Operations & Supply Chain Management. Professor and academic director Jalal Ashayeri: “Many Business Analytics programs don’t offer this kind of foundation, but we believe it is essential. Once we understand the crucial decisions that need to be made and what type of data is required, we are in a position to learn the key business analytics skills.”
In September 2015 TIAS offers a Full-time International MSc degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Business Analytics in Utrecht. The Part-Time International MSc degree in Business Administration with the specialization in Business Analytics starts February 2016.