Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSc)

Deeltijd Master Bedrijfskunde
Online brochure
Start- and course dates
May 22, 2025
Utrecht Campus
November 14, 2025
Utrecht Campus
22 months
€ 36500 for the entire master (free from VAT)
Study load
15 - 20 hours a week
Customization possible
Monthly 2 days (Fri-Sat)

Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSc): a broad foundation for your career

In today’s complex business environment, you have to keep your ear to the ground and stay ahead of the flurry of changes and innovations. In the Part-time Master in Business Administration, you’ll learn to tackle your challenges from a variety of angles. Our MSc is a broad-based business degree that includes a personalized approach and coaching to strengthen your leadership qualities. In short: the Part-time Master in Business Administration lays a broad foundation for an illustrious career.

Besides the Part-time Master in Business Administration we offer a broad selection of other programs in the area of business administration.

Leadership and personal growth

In the Master in Business Administration (MSc), you’ll develop yourself and grow your skills in areas like negotiation, presentation and leadership. You’ll become more effective, see opportunities earlier and anticipate changing business models and markets more quickly. In 22 months, you’ll develop into an internationally oriented management professional who creates impact by combining growth in leadership with substantive knowledge of business administration.

Why Choose TIAS School for Business and Society?

  • A top-ranked business school in Executive and InCompany Education according to the Financial Times
  • Internationally recognized MSc degree, accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (“NVAO”) and the AACSB, the main international accreditation for management degrees
  • TIAS prioritizes personal attention, so you can reach your full potential: in an intimate school environment (small class sizes and ample personal attention).
  • Directly applicable scientific and practical knowledge
  • You can start this program quickly thanks to the two start dates and the flexibility to arrange a customized intake moment in consultation with the Program Adviser
  • The MSc program is offered right in the heart of Utrecht at our campus.
    • Utrecht campus: with six lecture halls, seven breakout rooms and one scrum area, the new TIAS building is a modern academic facility.
    • Easily accessible by public transportation

Participant profile for the Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)

The Part-time Master in Business Administration is geared towards professionals and young executives who want to expand their opportunities with their current employer or on the job market. An invaluable program for those without a background in business administration who want to gain knowledge of business management and administration.

Do you already have a few years of work experience and a higher vocational or university degree, and the ambition to grow quickly in both your work and personal spheres? If so, the Part-time Master in Business Administration can help you develop yourself into a successful and responsible leader of the future.

Interested in a full-time business administration program? Our Full-time Master in Management may be right for you.

Admission requirements part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)

We strive for participant groups with a lot of talent and potential. That is why we apply admission requirements for the part-time Master in Business Administration. In this way we guarantee top-level education. Moreover, you will ultimately also benefit from the collaboration with a motivated group of talented participants. We ask the following from you as a participant:

  • You have a Bachelor's degree and/or Master’s degree
  • You have completed the prep courses/pre-Master (depending on your education and background)

The part-time Master of Business Administration (MSc) is officially registered as MSc in Business Administration.

Program Adviser

After receiving your application form, the Program Adviser will contact you to go through your application and discuss the next steps.


Successful completion of the premaster can be a condition for starting with the Part-time Master in Business Administration. In this way we ensure that the level of all participants in the lecture hall matches each other. As a result, you ultimately also benefit from the collaboration with a motivated group of talented participants.

It is possible to start quickly with the TIAS Premaster (in Dutch) due to the various start and entry moments of this program. We also offer an English-taught Online Premaster which allows you to start immediately after enrollment. Customized tracks are also available if needed. Contact the Program Adviser to determine your ideal start date.

Our participants talk about the part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)

Give your career a boost with the Part-Time Master in Business Administration (MSc)

The business world can be erratic, and is subject to continuous change. This creates complex issues. These issues are the focus of the Part-time Master in Business Administration. With the latest scientific insights, you’ll roll up your sleeves and get down to work in areas like finance, marketing and supply chain management. You’ll apply these insights directly in practice in your own organization. This way, you’ll draw your own connections between your new knowledge and your challenges at work. Moreover, you’ll select a specialization that’s right for you.

You’ll gain more in-depth knowledge in at least two of the following areas:

  • Strategic Management
  • Responsible Leadership
  • Sustainability as a Source of Competitive Advantage
  • Interorganizational relationships and networks

At the end of the MSc, you’ll have a better understanding of strategic issues, and you’ll be able to translate them into operational implications and applications. You’ll quickly see new results and successful growth in responsible leadership.

Smart Program Design: higher learning efficiency and accommodation for work and private life

The blended design of the Part-time Master in Business Administration offers higher learning efficiency and helps you combine the program with your work and private life.

  • A smart mix of individual and group learning, combining the best of in-class and online:

    - Gain basic knowledge more at your own pace.
    - Make your own plans for when and where you learn.
    - In-class learning is used to apply, broaden and zoom in on your knowledge.

  • An attractive blend of working methods that not only makes learning interesting, but also lets you collaborate more with other participants. Some examples here would be games, simulations and other interactive methods.

  • This allows you to gain more new knowledge, insights and skills faster, which you can use directly in your day-to-day work.

What will the TIAS Master in Business Administration do for you?

  • You’ll expand your career options: many participants make the next step in their careers within two years of graduating from their MSc in Business Administration. 
  • You’ll strengthen your personal leadership qualities, to achieve your goals more effectively.
  • In decision-making, you’ll be able to approach and respond to interests from multiple perspectives.
  • Your excellent new skills and knowledge will make you agile, helping you stand out in a competitive, dynamic and rapidly changing business environment.
  • Our TIAS Connect community and Alumni Services help you build and maintain a network, even after graduation. This gives you access to a group of professionals with a shared drive and ambition.

Course load 

The Part-time Master in Business Administration is 22 months. Once a month, you’ll attend two days of lectures on a Friday and Saturday in Utrecht. In the meantime, you’ll use the online campus for self-study. The course load for the Master in Business Administration (MSc) is 15 to 20 hours a week.

Alumni about the part-time Master in Business Administration

With the part-time Master in Business Administration, you will not only improve your knowledge and skills, but also build an extensive professional network. This makes it a valuable program for our participants and alumni.

"With my previous Master I gained theoretical knowledge, at TIAS I found wisdom. I was looking for an international Master's degree that would work with my busy work schedule. TIAS' programs stood out. The program's structure made it possible to combine work and study. I got to know a group of ambitious and motivated students and I was taught by the best professors. After completing the program, I took over my father's consultancy firm. TIAS gave me the courage and confidence to build my future as an international business consultant."

Danaë Huijser - Director and Lead Consultant at CMC Europe

Contents of the Part-Time Master in Business Administration (MSc)

The Part-time Master in Business Administration offers basic modules on management topics like finance, marketing and supply chain management, supplemented with in-depth modules where you can choose your own specialization with electives. This means you’ll acquire more in-depth knowledge in at least two of the following areas:

  • Strategic Management
  • Responsible Leadership
  • Sustainability as a Source of Competitive Advantage
  • Interorganizational relationships and networks

The program provides broad, in-depth and integrated knowledge: a solid foundation and an overarching and interdisciplinary perspective on the functioning and management of businesses.

Complete summary of the Master in Business Administration

  • Block 1: Foundation modules
  • Block 2: Electives
  • Block 3: Integration modules
  • Block 4: Master’s thesis

The program is offered over a period of 22 months. Each module block requires preparation with reading and case studies via the online campus. Next, you’ll attend interactive meetings and lectures over two consecutive days. After gaining a solid foundation in business administration, you’ll have the opportunity choose several electives, to give your education the desired additional layer. In the final module, you work on your final project, lasting six months and culminating in your Master’s thesis.

Accredited MSc Master's degree

Once you have successfully completed the program, you will be awarded the title of Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc). This master is academically accredited by both the international AACSB and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO).


€ 36500 for the entire master (free from VAT)

This price includes:

  • Day packages (lunch, dinner on Friday, coffee/tea, and soft drinks) during college days
  • Registration and administration costs (€ 2000)
  • Access to the online learning environment
  • Access to webinars and must-reads on the alumni website
  • Mandatory literature, study books and teaching materials

Possible additional costs:

  • Premaster, if necessary (€ 450 per module) **
  • Software licenses (if specific software is required)

** During your application, the Admissions and Assessment Committee will determine which premaster modules are required.


How do you finance your education?

You have found the program that best suits your learning goals and ambitions. But how do you finance this? There are different ways to do that. Your employer can play a role, but there are also interesting statutory regulations that you can use yourself. We list the possibilities for you.

Read about the possibilities here »

Dates and locations Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)

The Part-time Master in Business Administration offers great flexibility for starting the program. Each year, there are 2 general start dates. If these dates do not suit you or if you prefer to start earlier, you can contact a Program Adviser, who will help you find a customized intake moment that accommodates your needs

Start Dates

The Part-time Master in Business Administration starts on:

NameLocationStart date
Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)Utrecht CampusMay 22, 2025
Part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)Utrecht CampusNovember 14, 2025

Find the best fitting moment to obtain your TIAS Premaster

Successful completion of the premaster can be a condition for starting with the Part-time Master in Business Administration. In this way we ensure that the level of all participants in the lecture hall matches each other. As a result, you ultimately also benefit from the collaboration with a motivated group of talented participants.

It is possible to start quickly with the TIAS Premaster (in Dutch) due to the various start and entry moments of this program. We also offer an English-taught Online Premaster which allows you to start immediately after enrollment. Customized tracks are also available if needed. Contact the Program Adviser to determine your ideal start date.


The teachers of TIAS are experienced teachers from all over the world. They were chosen for their qualities and for their professional knowledge. You benefit from the knowledge and experience of these scientists or industry experts in different settings and at different times. This can be in lectures or when discussing practical cases, in class discussions or in one-on-one conversations outside the lecture hall.

Academic Director

Tim de Leeuw
Full Professor


Ellen Peeters
Assistant Professor
Filip Caeldries
Full Professor
Woody van Olffen
Full Professor
Dirk Brounen
Full Professor

Sign up part-time Master in Business Administration (MSC)

After receiving your application form, the Program Adviser will contact you to review your application and discuss the next steps.
Zhané Bastiaanssen
Zhané Bastiaanssen
Program Adviser
+31 13 466 3902

A TIAS customized program for your company?

More about InCompany


TIAS Online Information Event

Want to know more about our programs? Sign up for our information sessions on January 22, 2025.
Jan 22 4:00 PM - 8:45 PM, Online

TIAS Online Information Event

Want to know more about our programs? Sign up for our information sessions on April 8, 2025
Apr 8 4:00 PM - 8:45 PM, Online
Participant rating
Our participants rate the Deeltijd Master Bedrijfskunde with a (5 point scale)
Participant rating
Our participants rate the Deeltijd Master Bedrijfskunde with a (5 point scale)