Webinar: Trust in healthcare
How can managers develop trust in a health care organization? This question is being addressed by prof.dr. Peter van der Voort, professor of Healthcare at TIAS and academic director of the Executive Master of Health Administration (MHA).
Image: © Nationale Beeldbank
Trust is the fuel of healthcare, states Van der Voort. "Patients will only let themselves being treated when they trust their caregivers. Patients trust that their caregivers have the right intentions and that the quality of care is high. In addition, integrity, credibility, and reliability are important issues that build trust. These elements of trust should not only be found in the caregivers but also in the healthcare organization. Moreover, trust in the healthcare system as a whole and indirectly, in the government is needed. Also, caregivers have to trust each other to be able to work in a team and to be able to use each other's expertise.” How can we improve trust in healthcare?