Prof.dr. Peter van der Voort

Prof.dr. Peter van der Voort

Full Professor
Expert areas: Health & Education (Health Care Management, Innovation, Strategy), Management & Organisation (Quality Management), Quantitative Methods (Business Research Methods)

Peter van der Voort is Academic Director of the Executive Master Health Administration (MHA) and professor Health Care at TIAS since 2013. He is educated as a physician at VU medical center and as internist-intensivist at AMC and OLVG. He has a master degree on epidemiology since 2006. He is professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Groningen. Until September 2023 Peter van der Voort was head of the department of intensive care medicine for adults at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). He previously led the intensive care unit of the Medical Center Leeuwarden and OLVG hospital where he was head of the intensive care medicine trainees and teachers for 10 years. From these experiences he has widespread skills in working and managing the intramural curative care. He was director of Stichting Venticare and was involved in the development of telemedicine. He participated in and led many committees concerning quality of care and organization of care. From his work as an intensivist and his broad vision on health care, Peter van der Voort has gained the conviction that organization, management and leadership are equally important for the quality of care as the direct medical care at the bedside. He was also senator for the democratic party D66 responsible for healthcare issues which gave him the opportunity to strive for a common policy on patient level, organization level and national political level to gain improvements in care delivery and management of health care. From this vision he supports and teaches participants of the MHA and he performs research within TIAS Health cluster.


  • van der Voort, P., van der Meer, N., & Minkman, M. (Reds.) (2023). Zorg voor transitie: Naar passend leiden, organiseren en waarderen in de gezondheidszorg. Boom.
  • Al Fartousi, M., Guda, K., Geersing, T.H., van der Voort, P.H.J., & Franssen, E.J.F. (2023). Acute kidney injury in the ICU during ganciclovir treatment: An observational study. Journal of Clinical Medicine12(5), 1898.
  • Kreeftenberg, H.G., de Bie, A.J.R., Aarts, J.T., Bindels, A.J.G.H., van der Meer, B.J.M., & van der Voort, P.H.J. (2022). Advanced practice providers as leaders of a rapid response team: A prospective cohort study. Healthcare10(11), 2122.
  • Buitinck, S., Jansen, R., Bosman, R.J., van der Meer, B.J.M., & van der Voort, P.H.J. (2022). Eradication of resistant and susceptible aerobic gram-negative bacteria from the digestive tract in critically ill patients: An observational cohort study. Frontiers in Microbiology12, 779805.
  • Buitinck, S.H., Koopmans, M., Determann, R.M., Jansen, R.R., & van der Voort, P.H.J. (2022). Enteral vancomycin to eliminate MRSA carriership of the digestive tract in critically ill patients. Antibiotics11(2), 263.
  • van Eijk, L.E., Binkhorst, M., Bourgonje, A.R., Offringa, A.K., Mulder, D.J., Bos, E.M., Kolundzic, N., Abdulle, A.E., van der Voort, P.H.J., Olde Rikkert, M.G., van der Hoeven, J.G., den Dunnen, W.F., Hillebrands, J.L., & van Goor, H. (2021). COVID-19: Immunopathology, pathophysiological mechanisms, and treatment options. The Journal of Pathology254(4), 307–331.
  • van den Boorn, M., Lagerburg, V., van Steen, S.C.J., Wedzinga, R., Bosman, R.J., & van der Voort, P.H.J. (2021). The development of a glucose prediction model in critically ill patients. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine206, 106105.
  • van der Voort, P.H.J., Moser, J., Zandstra, D.F., Muller Kobold, A.C., Knoester, M., Calkhoven, C.F., Hamming, I., & van Meurs, M. (2020). Leptin levels in SARS-CoV-2 infection related respiratory failure: A cross-sectional study and a pathophysiological framework on the role of fat tissue. Heliyon6(8), e04696.
  • Writing Committee for the PRoVENT–COVID* Collaborative Group PRactice of VENTilation in COVID–19 study.
    Ventilation Management and Clinical Outcome in Invasively Ventilated COVID–19 Patients (PRoVENT–COVID) – a national, multicentre, observational cohort study. Lancet Resp Med 2020
  • Roggeveen LF, Guo T, Driessen RH, Fleuren L, Thoral P, van der Voort PHJ, Girbes A, Bosman RJ, Elbers PWG. Right Dose, Right Now: Development of AutoKinetics for Real Time Model Informed Precision Antibiotic Dosing Decision Support at the Bedside of Critically Ill Patients. Frontiers in Pharmacology; May 2020; DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00646
  • Grim CCA, Helmerhorst JF, Schultz MJ, Winters T, van der Voort PHJ, van Westerloo DJ, de Jonge E. Changes in attitudes and actual practice of oxygen therapy in ICUs after implementation of a conservative oxygenation guideline. Resp Care 2020;march; 10.4187/respcare.07527
  • Arno R. Bourgonje, Amaal Eman Abdulle2, Wim Timens, Jan-Luuk Hillebrands, Gerjan J. Navis, Sanne J. Gordijn, Marieke C. Bolling, Gerard Dijkstra, Adriaan A. Voors, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Peter H. J. van der Voort, Douwe J. Mulder and Harry van Goor. Angiotensinconverting enzyme-2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 and pathophysiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19). J Path 2020;
  • Kreeftenberg H, Aarts JT, Bindels A, van der Meer BJM, van der Voort PHJ. Procedures Performed by Advanced Practice Providers Compared With Medical Residents in the ICU: A Prospective Observational Study. Critical Care Explorations;2(4):e0101. DOI: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000101

  • PHJ van der Voort, EF Keus. Is profylaxe van stressulcera bij IC-patiënten zinvol? Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2020;164:D4827
  • PHJ van der Voort, AA de Beer, I van Stijn, BJM van der Meer. Network governance of Dutch intensive care units: state of affairs after implementation of the Quality Standard. Neth J Crit Care 2020;28:88-92.