TIAS best business school for customized programs

May 15, 2017 | 1 min read

TIAS School for Business and Society is once more best business school in the Netherlands where custom programs for companies and institutions are concerned. That is evident from the Financial Times annual Executive Education Ranking of business schools. It is the sixth consecutive year that TIAS has attained this number 1 position.

Customers are particularly satisfied with the extent to which TIAS programs realize their goals. Value for money is also highly appraised. “Our co-creation approach translates into effective programs. This is customization that enables our customers to remain at the leading edge and stay relevant for their markets and customers”, according to TIAS dean and director Kees Koedijk. 

According to the Financial Times, the customized programs have put TIAS in the 13th place for growth in the customized programs segment. “We are proud of the fact that this year too our customers have indicated that they want to continue working together with TIAS in developing their organizations. We can thus further consolidate our role as trusted adviser,” says Koedijk.

TIAS develops custom programs for diverse national and international organizations such as: Rabobank, BDO, Randstad, SHV, Radboud UMC, Chamber of Commerce, RoyalHaskoningDHV, Nova College, and AEDES. 

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