
'I thought of healthcare solely in terms of a hospital.'

January 24, 2014 | 2 min read

As a result of the course Joris Arts MHA became a better dialogue partner as he was introduced to other examples from the entire healthcare sector.


Being a better dialogue partner by being familiar with other examples from the entire healthcare sector. That is what Joris Arts learned from the Executive Master of Health Administration (MHA). "It opened my eyes, I didn't realize that I had such a limited picture of the healthcare sector."

Why a course?

I wanted to develop, but did not really know in what field. I didn't think I would be challenged by becoming the head of a hospital pharmacy at a larger hospital. One abstract goal was a hospital director. An MBA seemed like an effective choice, it wasn't just an educational course but also a journey to become an adult. At first I thought about studying a general MBA, later I decided to follow a management course related to the healthcare sector. I assume that I will continue to work in the healthcare sector for the next few years. Furthermore I considered it a shame to just set my experience in the healthcare sector to one side."

People from all aspects of the healthcare sector

Which part of the course made the greatest impression on you?

"I learned most from the contacts with my fellow students. On these occasions you talk to people from other areas of the healthcare sector. Previously I used to think of healthcare solely in terms of the hospital. The news enabled me to acquire an insight into the challenges facing other aspects of healthcare, but that view appeared to be somewhat one-sided. While following the course, I talked to healthcare professionals about all kinds of issues. You explore them in more depth, and hold interesting discussions on the subject. It opened my eyes, I didn't realize that I had such a limited picture of the healthcare sector."

What did you learn from the course?

"I am now far more knowledgeable about what goes on in the healthcare sector. I am familiar with examples provided by fellow participants and speakers. As a result I have become a better dialogue partner for stakeholders in and outside the hospital.

For example, we had an extensive lecture about the Supervisory Board. When the staff administration held a discussion about the way in which information is sent to the Supervisory Board I was able to make an active contribution. I was able to explain that it has the right to unfiltered information and the reason for this.

And I had already read a lot about leadership in popular scientific management books, but I didn't read any scientific literature on the subject. Now I do and it has increased my confidence. I don't just do something like that, but it has been scientifically proven to work."


And was the management course for the healthcare sector the right choice?

"If you decide to follow a general MBA then there is cross-pollination with other sectors. That can also be useful but I think that in my case a specific course related to healthcare was more applicable. I have acquired a more comprehensive picture of the healthcare sector and heard examples that apply directly to my situation. The course is broad enough to widen your horizons but also provides enough depth to make it applicable."

What is your next step?

"I don't know yet, though I do see that I am ready for the next step. One advantage that I hadn't thought of before is that my network has grown. And I can use my network for my next challenge, which is definitely a major benefit of this course."

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