Mijntje Lückerath Appointed Member of SB of NRC Media
Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers, Professor of Corporate Governance at TIAS/Tilburg University, has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board (SB) of NRC Media. NRC Media is the publisher of NRC Handelsblad, nrc.next and nrc.nl, along with various online stores. Lückerath-Rovers will be the Supervisory Board member for employees.
The new Supervisory Board was formed following the acquisition of NRC Media Holding BV by Mediahuis Nederland. The new Board consists of five people, including Mr. Aad Stoop, attorney at Bergh Stoop & Sanders, who will become the new chairman. The other three Board members, Gert Ysebaert, Paul Verwilt, and Caspar van Rijn, all work at Mediahuis.
Prof. Dr. Lückerath-Rovers is also a SB member at Achmea and of the boards for the investment funds and the Green Fund at ASN Bank. She is also a member of the Board of Supervisors of KNGF Guide Dogs, member of the Committee on Public Interest of EY Accountants LLP and member of the Payments Association Netherlands.