How can you anticipate staff turnover?
An employee who plans to leave, sends out signals. By recognizing these signals, a manager may be able to change the mind of an employee who wants to leave, Professor Jaap Paauwe writes in this column.
The economy is recovering, the labor market is becoming tighter again, and companies and institutions are becoming busier. And that also increases the importance of your employees and their commitment and contribution. It is, of course, also true that you could easily do without certain employees but, on the other hand, there are employees you would not want to lose. And the announcement of their leaving is often very unexpected. If you could have seen that coming you would probably have taken action in time.
Read Professor Paauwe's full column on the Dutch-language website.
Professor Jaap Paauwe is Academic Director of the TIAS Advanced Human Resources Program. This article was republished with permission of the editor from P&Oactueel,