A year at TIAS: a business school like a family
October 11, 2018 | 1 min read
Time flies! One-year of life exploration in Netherlands seems like an adventure for me, which has resulted in me bettering myself and growing up. When going through all of the experiences from the past year, TIAS keeps on giving me an abundance of beautiful memories that couldn’t be counted. It is a place which offers more than studying and self-improvement. It also offers a family, a place to have fun and make friends.
TIAS is a private university and the resources and networking provided here are the main advantages of the course and can help you achieve career development and find new business ideas by working with amazing people. Moreover, every event, lecture, group work, study trip, festival, party and exchange program consistently creates new knowledge and opportunities. The time spent outside of class is most important for me as it represents the precious time I had to explore the Europe with various friends and gain deep insight about the European culture.
After finishing the modules at TIAS, I applied for an exchange at EMLYON business school in France with 6 other students, which increased the impressive experience of studying at TIAS. It was amazing to spend 10 days at EMLYON business school to learn about social entrepreneurship, as we could share our mindset with people from 9 different countries during class. After class, we went to the city centre, walked along the river, sat and drank and enjoyed the excellent views of city.
If you would like to explore more, or you would like to gain more knowledge and interesting people, TIAS can provide wonderful experiences and memories for you. Only time and incredible experiences at TIAS will tell that you made the right decision.
This blog was written by Full-time MScBA student Yi Lin (23) from China.
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