Netspar Pension Innovation Program

Online brochure
Start- and course dates
September 16, 2024
Tilburg Campus
2 days (per masterclass) / 9 days (whole program)
€11500 for the entire program (exempt from VAT) / € 2625 per masterclass
Executive Education - Open Programs

Preparing for change in the pensions and retirement industry

The Netspar Pension Innovation program offers you knowledge and skills with which to tackle all the various factors relating to retirement. You will learn how to identify and manage risks. You are brought up to date on the latest applicable regulations. Thanks to your newly acquired knowledge, you can provide informed answers to consumers’ requests and demands. You can advise on your organization’s investment policy.

TIAS School for Business and Society offers this program in partnership with Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar). The program consists of four master classes, which can also be attended separately.

Previous program participants included professionals from De Nederlandse Bank (DNB), Aegon and APG.

Interested in attending the Netspar Pension Innovation Program? To ensure the quality of the program, educational background and work experience are important considerations. You must have the following eligibility requirements in order to participate.

  • At least 5 years of workexperience in a relevant role.
  • Higher professional (“HBO”) oruniversity (“WO”) degree.
  • Abstract thinking skills.
  • Ambition.
  • Openness to differentperspectives.

Why TIAS School for Business & Society?

  • Financial Times top-ranked business school for executive and in-company education.
  • All lecturers are top experts from academia and the business world.
  • Directly applicable scientific and practical knowledge.
  • Flexible programs tailored to your needs.

Content of netspar pension innovation program

There are many innovations in the world of pensions and retirement. New laws keep being introduced, regulations on supervision are increasingly strict and consumers demand more of their retirement products. Under these changeable circumstances, you need knowledge and skills with which to tackle all the various factors relating to retirement.

Final goals

  • You areable to form an opinion on the strategic development of retirementbenefits and their alignment with pension clients and the labor market.
  • You areable to advise your organization on policy based on these strategicdevelopments.
  • You areable to identify strengths and weaknesses in an organization’s riskmanagement early on.
  • You areable to translate these strengths and weaknesses into policies to guideyour organization.
  • You areable to advise clients and boards on which big choices and decisionsaffect the management of a retirement balance as well as investment andrisk management processes. 
  • You areable to use scenario analysis and assess the value of assumptions andmodel uncertainty as tools for the early identification of strengths andweaknesses and the creation of policies on this basis.
  • You areable to identify the strengths and weaknesses in a client ororganization’s governance model, and to estimate which developments ingovernance will be more or less suited to that organization. 
  • You areable to craft a strategic vision on new developments in the areas ofsustainability, social trends and laws and regulations, in national andEuropean contexts.
  • Working in a group, you can translate your acquired knowledge from the masterclasses into a specific business case for a retirement organization in thecoming years. This takes place under supervision by a Netspar researcher.

End result: certificate of pension innovation

This set of master classes develops your knowledge and skills relating to pensions and retirement. You improve your ability to manage and advise your organization. On completion of all the master classes in the series, you will receive a Certificate of Pension Innovation.

Faculty of the Netspar pension innovation program

The Netspar Pension Innovation Program’s team of lecturers consists of renowned speakers from academia and the business world. Academic director Dr. Roel Mehlkopf monitors adherence to the program’s underlying principles in close collaboration with Netspar.

Academic Director

Roel Mehlkopf
Assistant Professor

Dates & locations for netspar pension innovation program

Start dates for the Netspar Pension Innovation Program:

NameLocationStart date
Netspar Pension Innovation ProgramTilburg CampusSeptember 16, 2024

Module: pension innovation in practice

Have you chosen to attend the full Netspar Pension Innovation Program? In that case, your program concludes with a module on Pension Innovation in Practice. This module comprises the completion and presentation of a final group project that addresses a current issue by combining innovation, strategic courses of action and new insights from the modules into an integrated approach.

Cost of netspar pension innovation program

To attend the full program of four master classes and a final project, the total cost is €11500 for the entire program (exempt from VAT) / € 2625 per masterclass.

A single master class costs €2625. If you wish to attend multiple master classes, discounted rates apply:

  • 1 master class: €2625
  • 2 master classes: €5150
  • 3 master classes: €7650
  • 4 master classes: €9975
  • 5 master classes: €11500

The master classes include a day package consisting of:

  • Literature
  • Lunch, coffee, tea and soft drinks

How do you finance your education?

You have found the program that best suits your learning goals and ambitions. But how do you finance this? There are different ways to do that. Your employer can play a role, but there are also interesting statutory regulations that you can use yourself. We list the possibilities for you.

Read about the possibilities here »

Apply for the Netspar pension innovation program 

You can apply for the program by sending an email to

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