Dr. Roel Mehlkopf

Dr. Roel Mehlkopf

Assistant Professor


Roel Mehlkopf is a senior advisor at Cardano. Roel is part of the client team, where he helps pension funds to manage their financial risks. 

Roel also works part time at TIAS Business School where he is the academic director of the Netspar Pension Innovation program. 

Before joining Cardano, Roel worked in the public sector, including the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, where he contributed to the legislation for variable annuities (in Dutch: Wet Verbeterde Premieregeling).

More recently, Roel was consulted as a pension expert in the creation of the Guidance Balanced Transition (in Dutch: Handreiking Evenwichtige Transitie) of the new pension law (in Dutch: Wet Toekomst Pensioenen). Roel spoke twice for the House of Representatives Committee on Social Affairs and Employment (in Dutch: Commissie SZW Tweede Kamer) in an expert roundtable.  


Roel graduated cum laude in financial econometrics in 2006. He obtained a PhD in Finance from Tilburg University in 2011 and was a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • Mehlkopf, R. & Nijman, T., 2024, “Economische analyse van de keuze om wel of niet in te varen”, Netspar Board Brief 7.
  • Been, J., van Ewijk, C., Knoef, M., Mehlkopf, R. & Muns, S., 2024, “Households' heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption”, In: Journal of the Economics of Ageing, vol 27, 100499.
  • Broeders, D.W.G.A., Mehlkopf, R. & van Ool, A., 2021, “The economics of sharing macro-longevity risk”, In: Insurance Mathematics & Economics, vol 99, p. 440-458
  • Bovenberg, A.L. & Mehlkopf, R. & Nijman, T., 2016. “The Promise of Defined Ambition Plans: Lessons for the United States: The Next 40 Years.” Chapter in: Reimagining Pensions: The Next 40 Years. Mitchell, O. S. & Shea, R. (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 215-246
  • Bovenberg, A. L. & Mehlkopf, R., 2014, Optimal design of funded pension schemes. In: Annual Review of Economics, vol 6, p. 445-474