dr. Sjanne Marie van den Groenendaal is Assistant Professor at Tilburg University. She has a background in Human Resource Studies with a specialization in professional development and sustainable employability of (self-employed) professionals. Learning and development is an important topic in her career, both in her work in academic education, scientific research and in practice.
Sjanne Marie has extensive experience as a university lecturer in Bachelor and Master courses with a focus on themes related to coaching and development. In addition to her work in academic education, she successfully completed her PhD research into the career development of self-employed professionals (self-employed) and the role of inclusive HRM policy in 2021 at Tilburg University. She is currently continuing her scientific research into the role of (inclusive) HRM policy in sustainable careers of flexible workers and self-employed people under the leadership of Prof. Charissa Freese and Prof. Irmgard Borghouts (Tilburg University, Chair in HRM & Social Security, financed by Institute Gak). She is also the founder of her company De Gouden Schil, from which she connects research and practice through lectures and master classes on the themes of sustainable employability and inclusive HRM policy for organizations and independent professionals.
van Beurden, J., Borghouts, I., van den Groenendaal, S.M.E., & Freese, C. (2023). How Dutch higher HRM education prepares future HR professionals for the impact of technological developments in organizations. Advance online publication.
- van Beurden, J., van den Groenendaal, S. M.E, Borghouts, I., & Freese, C. (2023). De Impact van Technologische Ontwikkelingen op HR-professionals en het HRM-onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 26(3), 54-80.
van den Groenendaal, S. M.E (2023). Loopbaanperspectief voor de zzp’er: Op weg naar duurzame loopbanen. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 26(1), 1-28.
van den Groenendaal, S. M. E., Akkermans, J., Fleisher, C., Kooij, D. T., Poell, R. F., & Freese, C. (2022). A qualitative exploration of solo self-employed workers' career sustainability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 134, 103692.
Van den Groenendaal, S. M. E., Freese, C., Poell, R. F., & Kooij, D. T. (2023). Inclusive human resource management in freelancers' employment relationships: The role of organizational needs and freelancers' psychological contracts. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), 224-240.
van den Groenendaal, S.M.E., Freese, C., & van Veldhoven, M. (2020). Een integraal contextueel perspectief op werkintensivering van beroepen. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 23(3), 40-65.
Van Den Groenendaal, S. M. E., Rossetti, S., Van Den Bergh, M., Kooij, T. A. M., & Poell, R. F. (2021). Motivational profiles and proactive career behaviors among the solo self-employed. Career Development International, 26(2), 309-330.