Prof.dr. Patrick Kenis

Prof.dr. Patrick Kenis

Full Professor
Expert areas: Health & Education, Management & Organisation


Prof. Dr. P. Kenis is Professor of Public Governance at Tilburg University and Adjunct Professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Previously, he was Academic Dean at the Antwerp Management School, TIAS School for Business and Society and chaired the Department of Organizational Sciences at Tilburg University. Before that he worked at the Free University Amsterdam, the University of Konstanz and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Vienna. He obtained his doctorate in 1989 from the European University Institute in Florence. He has extensive experience in social science research in the areas of organizations, inter- and intra-organizational relationships and policy networks. His research is currently focused on the effectiveness of networks. He has a large number of publications in academic Journals and books and has also conducted a large number of studies in that field.


  • Dahlmans, H., Goessling, T., & Kenis, P. (2023). Beyond acquiescence and compromise: Organizational strategies in pluralizing institutional environments. European Management Review. Advance online publication.
  • Kenis, P. (2022). Les différents types de coopérations entre organisations: pourqoui et comment? Blue Minds. Votre revue police et société, 32-35.
  • Kenis, P. (2022). Organisatienetwerken. Zorg om een kind.
  • Kenis, P., & Cambré, B. (2022). Organisatienetwerken: De Organisatievorm van de Toekomst. (4de uitgave ed.) Pelckmans Pro.
  • Kenis, P. (2022). Vormen van samenwerkende organisaties: waarvoor en hoe? Blue Minds. Uw tijdschrift voor politie & maatschappij., 6(5), 32-35.
  • Zonneveld, N., Glimmerveen, L., Kenis, P., Polanco, N. T., Johansen, A. S., & Minkman, M. (2022). Values underpinning Integrated, People-Centred Health Services: Similarities and differences among actor groups across Europe. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(3).
  • Raab, J., Kenis, P., Kraai-Dirkzwager, M., & Timen, A. (2021). Ex ante Knowledge for Infectious Disease outbreaks: Introducing the Organizational Network Governance Approach. In Knowledge and space (pp. 319–349).
  • Van Der Werf, W., Slot, P., Kenis, P., & Leseman, P. (2021). Inclusive practice and quality of education and care in the Dutch hybrid early childhood education and care system. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 15(1).
  • Etemadi, M., Kenis, P., Ashtarian, K., Gorji, H. A., & Kangarani, H. M. (2021). Network Governance Theory as basic pattern for promoting financial support system of the poor in Iranian health system. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1).
  • Kenis, P. & Schneider, V. (2021). Organisation und Netzwerk: Governance in Wirtschaft und Politik.
  • Kenis, P., & Vermeire, S. (2021). Waarom het organisatienetwerk als moeilijkste organisatievorm kiezen om iets voor elkaar te krijgen? In G. Briels, & P. Cousaert (Eds.), Lokaal Besturen in de Genetwerkte Samenleving: Over Regie Voeren en het Opzetten van Organisatienetwerken in Lokaal Sociaal Beleid (pp. 52-70). Politeia.
  • Kenis, P., & Raab, J. (2020). Back to the future: Using organization design theory for effective organizational networks. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 3(2), 109–123.
  • Van Der Werf, W., Slot, P., Kenis, P., & Leseman, P. (2020). Diversiteit en inclusie in verschillende typen kindercentra. B en M.
  • Kenis, P., Astrid Ottenheym, A., & Baanders, B. (2020). Het kind staat centraal in het organisatienetwerk: Hybride governance vorm voor Samenwerkingsverband passend primair onderwijs. Goed Bestuur & Toezicht, 20(1), 20-28.
  • Van Der Werf, W., Slot, P., Kenis, P., & Leseman, P. (2020). Hybrid organizations in the privatized and harmonized Dutch ECEC system: relations with quality of education and care. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53, 136–150.