Dr.ir. Rob Vanwersch

Dr.ir. Rob Vanwersch



Rob Vanwersch is Academic Director of the Advanced Program Healthcare Networks at TIAS School for Business & Society and works for the Maastricht UMC+ as program director Beweeghuis, a care network for people with movement complaints in Maastricht-Heuvelland. This care network is included in the Integraal Zorg Akkoord (Integrated Care Agreement) as one of four national benchmark projects. Rob is also appointed as honorary research fellow at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). In this capacity, he is involved in (European) research projects in the field of process innovation and is active as a scientific supervisor and lecturer in, among other things, the post-master Clinical Informatics program. He also provides the Operations module for the CBA and MHA programs at TIAS School for Business & Society and is a member of the international Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare Alliance.

In 2005, Rob Vanwersch obtained his BSc degree (cum laude) in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), and in 2007, his MSc degree (cum laude) in Operations Management & Logistics from the same university. After obtaining his MSc degree, Rob started his career at Maastricht University Medical Center+. In 2010, he received a stipend from Maastricht UMC+ for part-time PhD research on process innovation in healthcare at TU/e. As part of his PhD research, Rob spent short periods at the University of Oxford, the Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, the University of Groningen, KU Leuven and Ghent University. After the successful defense of his dissertation Rethinking care processes: Does anybody have an idea? in 2016, he continued his career as program manager / strategic advisor to the Board of Directors of Maastricht UMC+.

Rob is involved in a large-scale research project on Network Care, together with fellow teachers Mirella Minkman and Misja Minkman. You can find more information about this research here.