Dr. Rachel Verheijen-Tiemstra is an Adjunct Professor of Inclusive Leadership in the educational and public sectors. She obtained her PhD at Tilburg University for her dissertation on the development of inclusive leadership in interprofessional contexts, with a particular focus on fostering interprofessional collaboration between primary education and childcare. Since 2011, she has been engaged in teaching activities within the domain of higher professional education, including group dynamics, human resource management and change management within the pedagogical field. Prior to this appointment, she held a number of policy roles within the local government sector. In addition to her appointment at TIAS School for Business and Society, Rachel Verheijen-Tiemstra serves as a senior researcher in talent-oriented work in organizations at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, where she is also affiliated with the Center of Expertise on Lifelong Learning (Kenniscentrum Leven Lang Ontwikkelen).
Her research interests lie in the field of inclusive leadership, exploring the ways in which this approach can facilitate value creation through the contribution of diverse perspectives and, with a particular interest in connecting inclusive leadership with innovation, learning and development.
- Verheijen-Tiemstra, R., Ros, A., Vermeulen, M., & Poell, R. F. (2024a). Barriers to collaboration between school teachers and childcare workers: implications for HRM and school leadership. International Journal of Educational Management, 38(1), 96-114. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-04-2023-0169
Verheijen-Tiemstra, R., Ros, A., Vermeulen, M., & Poell, R. F. (2024b). Fostering collaboration through inclusive leadership: Exploring the behaviour of childcare and school leaders in dutch child centres. Educational Management Administration & Leadership(ahead-of-print), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1177/17411432241227686
Verheijen-Tiemstra, R., Ros, A., Vermeulen, M., & Poell, R. F. (2024c). Strengthening inclusive leadership: Insights from a professional development programme for school and childcare leaders. Professional Development in Education, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2024.2371842
- Helfenrath, K., Bos, P., Verheijen-Tiemstra, R., & Thunnissen, M. (2023). Organisatiecultuur als onzichtbare kracht achter talentmobilisatie: Een verkenning van relevante aspecten. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 26(2), 45-72. https://doi.org/10.5117/THRM2023.2.007.HELF
Keuning, T., Verheijen-Tiemstra, R., Jongstra, W., & Peeters, R. (2022). Interprofessional collaboration between childcare services and primary schools in the netherlands. In P. W. Armstrong & C. Brown (Eds.), School-to-school collaboration: Learning across international contexts (pp. 91-126). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80043-668-820221007
Verheijen-Tiemstra, M. R. E., & Ros, A. A. (2021). Werken aan een feedbackcultuur: de kracht van zelf om feedback vragen. Basisschoolmanagement(7), 4.
Verheijen-Tiemstra, M. R. E., Ros, A. A., & Vermeulen, M. J. M. (2020). Werelden van verschil: aard en intensiteit van interprofessionele samenwerking tussen basisonderwijs en kinderopvang [Worlds apart: dimensions and levels of intensity in interprofessional collaboration between primary schools and childcare services]. Pedagogische Studiën, 97(1), 59-75.