Prof.dr. Mirella Minkman

Prof.dr. Mirella Minkman

Endowed Professor
Expert areas: Health & Education (Health Care Management, Innovation, Strategy), Strategy & Innovation (Strategic Innovation, Strategic Management)


Prof. dr Mirella M.N. Minkman holds the Vilans chair in Innovation of Organization and Governance of Integrated Care as Endowed Professor at Tilburg University / TIAS.

Besides her work at TIAS, Mirella is also the CEO of Vilans, the National Knowledge Organization for care and support (Utrecht, the Netherlands). This knowledge organisation bridges science, practice, policy and education by running national large scale innovation and implementation programs and by hosting frequently visited national knowledge platforms. Mirella’s expertise is focused on how to organize person-oriented integrated care between people and organizations in networks and alliances and what other governance modes are needed, and how to develop and implement them. New models of organising services, integrated service delivery and person centered collaborative care are topics. This includes themes like leadership, supervision (internal and external) and accountability as ingredients of good governance for integrated care. She also has a broad experience in the field of change management, implementation, building knowledge infrastructures and large-scale implementation processes in healthcare and beyond.

She is the chair of the National Governance Innovation Advisory Committee of the BoZ and she is also the chair of the Scientific Advisory board of the NVTZ (National Association of supervisors in health care). She is a Supervisory Board member of the RIBW Brabant (mental health care) and the Rivierenland Hospital in Tiel in the Netherlands. Together with two colleagues she serves as the Committee of Experts of the National Association for Dissabilities (VGN).

Regarding international work Mirella is a board member of the International Foundation for Integrated Care and board editor of the International Journal for Integrated Care. She is an Advisory Group member of WHO’s Integrating the Health and Care Workforce group and she recently joined the Critical Friends Group of the UK Center for Evidence IMPACT. She contributes to the field with a large range of (inter)national presentations, keynotes, books and (scientific) publications.


  • van der Voort, P., van der Meer, N., & Minkman, M. (Reds.) (2023). Zorg voor transitie: Naar passend leiden, organiseren en waarderen in de gezondheidszorg. Boom.
  • Suijkerbuijk, S., Nap, H., IJsselstein, W., Minkman, M., & de Kort, Y. (2023). ‘I already forgot half of it’ - Interviewing people with dementia for co-designing an intelligent system. Human Computer Interaction
  • Minkman, M., Janssen, R., van Dijk, G., Rink, F., Tonkens, E., Houwen, L., Kokx, B., van Montfort, C., Kenis, P., Lindemann, B., Keijser, W., Schruijer, S., Grobbe, F., & van der Steen, M. (2023). Toezien op samenwerken: Naar een verantwoord samenspel. Mediawerf.
  • Minkman, M.M.N. (2023). The time is now, but mind the gaps: Communities – governance – implementation.  International Journal of Integrated Care, 23(1), 32, 1-4.
  • Lukkien, D.R.M., Nap, H.H., Buimer, H.P., Peine, A., Boon, W.P.C., Ket, J.C.F., Minkman, M.M.N., & Moors, E.H.M (2023). Towards responsible artificial intelligence in long-term care: A scoping review on practical approaches. The Gerontologist, 63(1), 155-168.
  • Governance Innovatie- en Adviescommissie (2022). Meer sturing bij belangenverstrengeling. Aanpassingen Governancecode Zorg 2022. Goed Bestuur en Toezicht,3, 41-45.
  • Governance Innovatie- en Adviescommissie (2022). Impact samenwerkingen op Governancecode Zorg: Niet samenwerken is geen optie meer. Goed Bestuur en Toezicht,3, 48-55.
  • Michgelsen, J., Glimmerveen, L.M., Pittens, C.A.C.M., & Minkman, M.M.N. (2022). Decision-making dilemmas within integrated care service networks: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(4), 11, 1-15.
  • van Kemenade, E., de Kuiper, M., Booij, M., & Minkman, M. (2022). How different quality paradigms undermine a shared value base for integrated care: The need for collective reflexivity. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(1), 5, 1-6.
  • Saltkjel, T., Andreassen, T.A., & Minkman M. (2022). Conceptualising service integration for inclusive activation: Exploring transferal and translation of models from healthcare. International Journal of Social Welfare, 32(2), 149–163.
  • Minkman M. (2022). Slowing down to accelerate: The innovation of the fundamentals of integrated care governance. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(1), 24, 1-4.
  • Zonneveld, N., Glimmerveen, L., Kenis, P., Toro Polanco, N., Johansen, A.S., & Minkman, M.M.N. (2022). Values underpinning integrated, people-centred health services: Similarities and differences among actor groups across Europe. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(3), 6, 1-16.
  • van Beek-Peeters, J.J.A.M., van den Ende, Z., Faes, M.C., de Vos, A.J.B.M., van Geldorp, M.W.A., Van den Branden, B.J.L., van der Meer, B.J.M., & Minkman, M.M.N. (2022). Decision making in treatment of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis: A survey study in Dutch heart centres. Netherlands Heart Journal, 30, 423-428.
  • Pel-Littel, R. E., Snaterse, M., Teppich, N. M., Buurman, B. M., van Etten-Jamaludin, F. S., van Weert, J. C., Minkman, M. M., & Scholte op Reimer, W. J. S. (2021). Barriers and facilitators for shared decision making in older patients with multiple chronic conditions: a systematic review. BMC geriatrics21(1), 1-14.
  • Zonneveld, N., Pittens, C., & Minkman, M. (2021). "Appropriate leadership in nursing home care: a narrative review", Leadership in Health Services, 34(1), 16-36.