Dr. Margriet van der Sluis PhD

Dr. Margriet van der Sluis PhD

Assistant Professor
Expert areas: Health & Education (Education Management), Management & Organisation (Public Policy, Quality Management), Quantitative Methods (Statistics)


Margriet van der Sluis is an Assistant Professor and researcher at TIAS. Her research focuses on governance, policy and school boards in secondary education Management in Education (MME) program and and vocational education. Margriet is currently working on a major NRO study that focuses on the administrative capacity of vocational education institutions to improve the professionalization of educational teams.

Since 2021, Margriet has been manager of the TIAS Governance, Education & Health cluster. She is therefore responsible for the progress and development of new programs in the field of education, health care, supervision, management and governance in the public sector. Until 2022 she was academic director of the Master of Management in Education.

From 2015 till 2019, Margriet has worked as a senior consultant at BMC Advies. She was chairman of a quality group of a large school board for secondary and vocational education, advisor for school leaders and school boards on various educational and governance issues (including supervising self-evaluations, changing management models and develop supervisory frameworks). In collaboration with professor dr. Edith Hooge, she lead a learning community of secondary education school board members.
In her dissertation (January 2015, Maastricht University), Margriet has shown how different stakeholders can value elements of education quality and what these insights can bring policy and management of schools. She designed a vignette study for measuring perceptions of educational quality by students, teachers, parents and employers. In addition, she conducted a policy analysis on 10 years of government policy on vocational education and analyzed study choice behavior of vocational students.

From 2006 untill 2015, Margriet worked as a scientific researcher at the Dutch Inspectorate of Education. There, she was one of the authors of the yearly report "The State of Education in the Netherlands", developer of the inspection framework for vocational education, research advisor on thematic projects of the inspectorate. Furthermore she worked on various quantitative and qualitative analyzes of educational data.
Margriet was a member of the TIAS Board of Examiners for many years and now heads the Board of Examiners.


  • Sluis, M.E. van der; Hooge, E.H.; Hermanussen, J. (2023). The importance of managerial interactions and social capital at school board level for educational improvement. Paper at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Chicago, April 2023
  • Sluis, M.E. van der. (2022). De toegevoegde waarde van bestuurders bij innovaties in het onderwijs. in: Scheepens, W., Van Olffen, W., Schumacher, M., Van Hout E. & Minderman M. (red.) Tijd voor Transitie: 25 inzichten voor Business & Society, Mediawerf.
  • Honingh, M., Nolen, M. van der Sluis, M. (2022). Bestuurlijke geloofwaardigheid in het primair onderwijs. Bestuurskunde 2022-1, p. 77-94.
  • Sluis, M.E. van der; Hermanussen, J. (2021). Bestuurlijke gemeenschap in het mbo. Verslag van anderhalf jaar onderzoek bij een ROC, een AOC en een vakschool. De Nieuwe Meso, 3, 10-14.
  • Sleegers, P.; Sluis, M.E. van der; Dael, H. van (2021). Leraren als motor voor schoolontwikkeling. De Nieuwe Meso, 1, 36-41.
  • Hooge, E. H. & Van der Sluis, M. (2019). Unraveling Social Capital of School Districts: Reciprocity Between Central Office Staff Members and School Principals. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Toronto, CAN, April 2019.
  • Hooge, E. H. & Van der Sluis, M. (2019). Unraveling Social Capital of School Districts: Reciprocity Between Central Office Staff Members and School Principals. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Toronto, CAN, April 2019.
  • Hooge, E.H., van der Sluis, M. & Waslander, S. (2017). Krachtige koppels. Hoe de overheid zich kan verhouden tot autonome netwerken van scholen. PROBO/NRO, NWO. Tilburg: TIAS, Tilburg University, Tilburg University.
  • Sluis, M.E. van der; Reezigt, G.J., Borghans, L. (2017). Implementing New Public Management in Educational Policy. Educational Policy, 31 (3), 303-329.