Webinar: The own home as a retirement provision
For a long time, buying your own home was an additional way to save for your retirement. But everything appears to be different nowadays. House prices have fallen three years in succession and our pensions seem less certain than ever before. People are now thinking aloud as to how pension money can be used within our mortgage market, and pension investors are looking increasingly at the lease contracts of corporations.
Pension market and housing market discussions are therefore becoming further entwined, and new questions are arising such as: how can our pension market and housing market reinforce one other? Will we have to live in our pension shortly? What smart connections between the two markets are now truly desirable? Dirk Brounen (TIAS School for Business and Society) discusses this with Lans Bovenberg (Tilburg University/Netspar) and Jimmy Kools (Fakton).
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Wonen in je pensioen, Bovenberg (2012) (Dutch)
Duurzame verbindingen tussen pensioen- en woningmarkt (Netspar 2013) (Dutch)
Huur verkoopt beter (Grondzaken 2012) (Dutch)