Parliamentary Inquiry into Housing Corporations
In response to a number of embezzlements and incidents, the Dutch House of Representatives established a Parliamentary Inquiry into Housing Corporations in 2012. This Inquiry Commission is investigating the organization and function of a group of housing corporations in order to contribute to the development of future policy. Much of the research work in recent years was carried out and prepared behind the scene, but public hearings have been attracting the necessary public attention in the media since June 4.
Image: © Nationale Beeldbank
TIAS researchers participated in the preliminary investigation. Below, you can read and hear in a brief interview with Dirk Brounen (TIAS) about this involvement and his view of events leading to it.
Read more
Brounen over verhoor Nordanus, (2014) - in Dutch
Strop van 1,6 miljard voor Vestia, BNR (2012) - in Dutch
Parlementaire Enquête Woningcorporaties, Tweede Kamer (2014) - in Dutch