Learning at TIAS

Please find the answers to the frequently asked questions about our learning at TIAS below.

What exactly does the program design at TIAS look like? 

The program design is a smart mix of individual and group activities. These are alternately online and on-site on our campus in Tilburg or Utrecht. The basis is an appealing blend of learning methods, which not only make learning interesting, but in which you also collaborate more with people of your level, with the same ambitions. Think of games, simulations and other interactive learning methods. This gives you more and faster new knowledge, insights and skills, which you can immediately apply in your daily work.

What does on-site education currently look like at TIAS in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic? 

At an early stage of the Covid-19 pandemic, TIAS switched to online education. In recent months we have continuously refined the design of our programs based on the experiences of participants and teachers and our didactic expertise. In the vision of TIAS, blended design of programs is central: an effective combination of individual and group education, interactive working methods, online and on-site.

In the interest of providing a safe environment in which participants and our employees can learn, TIAS follows the guidelines of the Government and the RIVM.

What is special about the program design at TIAS? 

Following a program at TIAS means choosing active and challenging education. Each program contains a high frequency of interaction with teachers and other participants. By continuously experimenting, repeating and reflecting you create many new insights.

Are there other learning objectives for blended learning?

With blended learning we give a lot of time for reflection and the link to practice and your own organization. We use the possibilities of online learning to connect and collaborate more often. Finally, our blended format makes it easier to plan and organize learning for yourself.

How does the output or result differ when you learn via the blended learning format?

Much of the learning takes place in practice. In our blended format we encourage you to integrate your daily practice as much as possible. We integrate more experiments based on games, simulations and other interactive learning methods. This teaches you to test and validate your choice and strategy. This does require a great deal of personal responsibility and initiative.

What scientific evidence is there that demonstrates that blended learning provides a higher learning return?

• Active Learning (Vygotsky) 
Active Learning focuses on the insight that we as people learn the most from the interaction we have with others and our environment. In our blended design, we therefore make all the necessary time for this - online and on campus. In challenging teamwork you practice on a variety of cases, discussions and assignments, in which you try, discover and enrich your skills.

• Situated cognition (D Kirshner, JA Whitson - 1997)

Practice is our best teacher, that is the core of the theory of situated cognition. In our blended education we therefore simulate the real business context as much as possible. Immersive simulations and games will put you in complex situations where you have to bring all your knowledge together to find a solution.

• Connectivisme (Siemens, Downes, 2008)

We are constantly connected with each other, with systems and with information. Connectivism is based on the conviction that learning efficiency arises when you can create new insights from all those connections. Continuous learning, repetition, experimentation and reflection are crucial in this. That is why we organize our blended education as a stimulating learning journey. Due to the high frequency of contact with subject matter, students, teachers and practical cases, we create meaningful connections that encourage development.

What is the advantage of using business cases?  

Practical cases are a source of inspiration and reflection on your own situation. In addition, practical cases offer you proven best practices that have already proven their effect. You can find examples in our one pagers.

What is the effect on the learning efficiency of a varied offer? 

The reality is erratic and diverse. That is why we try to simulate reality in as many different ways as possible in our learning offer. Different working methods help with this. We also try to match different learning preferences by offering content in different formats, such as articles, videos and audio.


What is the ratio in hours online and on-site? 

This differs per program. TIAS ensures an optimal balance in this. Our Masterclasses and other shorter programs are in average 80% on-site and 20% online. You mainly do online preparation beforehand and reflection afterwards. Our Masters and other Advanced programs, which work with the same group over a longer period, have a larger online component. Because you get to know each other better and work together more often as a group, this is becoming easier and more pleasant online. For example, you will work online on individual and group assignments, follow online tutorials and play online simulations and games together.


What is the ratio in individual activities versus group activities? 

The relationship between individual and group activities depends very much on the type of program. A Masterclass Storytelling, which is about connecting with your audience, is almost entirely about how you act for and in a group, while a Master of Business Valuation has a strong financial-technical and more individual focus. Central to every program is that there is always a variety between working at individual, group and class level.

Is the online campus always accessible?

Yes, the online campus is 24/7 open.

How is the personal guidance organized?

Each participant has a program manager who provides support throughout the process. In addition, you have extra contact moments with the core teacher for guidance on content so that you can really get better.

What happens if you are delayed?

The program manager has this insight and is contact person for this matter.


How do the costs compare to the costs of traditional education?

An on-site program includes costs for the use of our campus, coffee / tea, soft drinks, lunch and extras. Our online programs include different costs, however they are not immediately visible. Our online programs require extensive and secure IT facilities, require more preparation and require a lot of extra support before, during and after implementation. Our program managers and IT support are constantly working in the background to ensure that every online program is a smooth experience for everyone.


How often do I see other participants and my core teacher? 

This depends on the program. In one program there is weekly contact and in the other monthly. For more information, visit the website: https://www.tias.edu/en/courses

What does the practice look like?

Who can help me plan everything and ensure progress?

Learning at TIAS means that you take ownership ofyour own future. That is why we also expect you to take charge of planning and organizing your learning path. Each program is flexible in design and aims to ensure that you achieve the highest learning return. In our challenging and high-frequency education, this requires something to fit it into a busy agenda. Of course, the pressure of a Masterclass cannot be compared to the intensity that an Executive Master demands from you. Our program advisers can tell you more about this and during your course our program managers will assist you. Make sure you organize and estimate this properly.

How can I ask my questions about the online lectures?

All questions can be asked via our online campus Canvas.

Do I also work together with other participants during the on-site days? 

Yes, you do. Precisely because of our design, in which the theory is largely prepared individually before the on-site days, there is time to stimulate the interaction between the teacher and the participants. We do this by deepening the curriculum with discussions and assignments and putting it into practice. It is known that people learn better if you frequently and actively experiment with the theory and make a translation into your daily business. In a pleasant small-scale learning environment, you can experiment with new leadership skills and deepen your business insights.

How often do we meet for a module? 

This depends on the program. In one program there is weekly contact and in the other monthly. For more information, visit the website: https://www.tias.edu/en/courses.  

What materials do I need for my study?

You use online teaching materials, digital papers, books and software for your studies. We recommend using a private laptop if possible, because often not all software can be installed on company laptops.

What kind of assessments are there? 

TIAS uses various forms of assessment. Such as writing papers, doing an oral, giving a presentation and doing business games. But also traditional exams. This depends on the program.

Do I also have a mentor or core teacher? To what extent is he or she available for questions? 

All stakeholders from TIAS are very accessible to the participants. It is precisely because of our design, in which we stimulate the interaction between the teacher and the participants, that there is frequent contact.


How can I customize the program to my needs?

  • By start time: There are several start times in a year. This differs per program and varies from two start times to five start times a year. For more information, visit the website: https://www.tias.edu/en/courses.
  • By location: TIAS offers courses in Utrecht or Tilburg. Look at the program of your choice for more information. For more information, check the website: https://www.tias.edu/en/courses.
  • By pace: you can learn at your own pace. If it is necessary to take longer on the process, you can tailor this to your needs in consultation with the program manager.
  • By content or by compiling your own learning path: You can also choose modules in each study program that suit your interests. Ask one of our program advisers for advice.


  • 24/7 online campus: You decide where and when you learn.

How do you tune the above? With whom and when?

You coordinate this with your program adviser and your program manager.

Jet Eshuis-Van der Wolf
Jet Eshuis-Van der Wolf
Program Adviser
+31 13 466 86 95


TIAS is the business school of Tilburg University and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). We offer a broad portfolio of accredited MBAs, Masters and Master Classes. Yearly we welcome nearly 3,000 participants from over 40 countries. We've been doing this for over 30 years.