Prof.dr. Peter van der Zanden

Prof.dr. Peter van der Zanden

Expert areas: Accounting & Control (Accounting Information Systems, Auditing, Financial Accounting), Context (Economics, Law), Family Business (Change Management), Strategy & Innovation (Strategic Corporate Governance, Strategic Mediation)


Peter van der Zanden was a partner at Ernst & Young Accountants from 1983 until his retirement in 2006. He started his career at (a predecessor of) Ernst & Young in 1966. He performed audits for multinational as well as national clients. He was an expert-witness in many court cases and coordinated expert-witness activities within Ernst & Young. When Ernst & Young in 1983 was the first Dutch auditfirm to start a knowledge center for audit issues (Directoraat vaktechniek) he became a parttime (50%) member of the staff of this office. In 1991 he became (full) professor Financial Accounting at Netherlands Nyenrode Business School. In 1993 he was also appointed (full) professor Financial Accounting at Tilburg University, He retired in 2012.
After his retirement as an auditor in 2006 he became Honorary Judge in the The Hague Court of Appeal and a judge in the Accountantskamer (Disciplinary Court for auditors) of the Zwolle district court from 2009 untill 2011. In 2011 he became Honorary Judge in the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven) in the Hague. From 2007 until 2011he was the Academic Director of the postgraduate Programme for the Education of Dutch auditors (Registeraccountants). Professor van der Zanden has been and still is a member of several committees and working parties of national and international accounting organizations in the field of financial accounting and company law.


  • Van der Zanden, P.M., & van Beurden, B.C.J.M. (2011). Perikelen in de financiële verslaggeving. Tijdschrift voor Ondernemingsbestuur, 1, 1-5.
  • Van der Zanden, P.M., & Beckman, H. (2011). Het jaarrekeningenrecht. In W.D. Kolkman en L.C.A. Verstappen (red.). Handboek Ondernemingsrecht 11/12 (pp. 757-812). Zutphen, Nederland: Walburg pers.
  • Van der Zanden, P.M. (2010). Eigen vermogen, vreemd vermogen; de kern van de zaak. Leidraad voor de AA, 73, Deventer: Kluwer, losbl. A3.12-01 – 32.
  • Van der Zanden, P.M. & Hijink, J.B.S (2012). De accountantsprofessie anno 2012. Een schets van de ontwikkeling, kansen en bedreigingen rondom een beroepsgroep in de vuurlinie. Themanummer ‘Accountants onder vuur’ ,Tijdschrift voor Jaarrekeningenrecht no 1, Jaargang 7, maart 2012, blz. 4 – 13.
  • Van der Zanden, P.M.(2012). ‘Doel van de jaarrekening en het toepassen van ‘fair value accounting’; De nieuwe kleren van de keizer?’ Afscheidsrede TilburgUniversity 14 september 2012.
  • Van der Zanden, P.M. en van der Zanden, P (2012) ’Financieel-economische aspecten van de Flex BV, ’ Tijdschrift voor vennootschaps -en rechtspersonenrecht TvOB, Themanummer ‘het nieuwe BV-recht, blz. 188-198.