Prof.dr. Jos Blommaert

Prof.dr. Jos Blommaert

Professor Emeritus
Expert areas: Accounting & Control (Financial Accounting), Finance (Financial Analysis, Financial Management, Financial Reporting and Analysis)

Prof. dr. Jos Blommaert studied Business Science in Tilburg. He finished his PhD on the Usefulness of Consolidated Accounts in 1995 at the Maastricht University. Since 1997, he has been professor of Financial Accounting at the Accountancy department of Tilburg University and he is currently working at TIAS School for Business and Society. In addition, he is professor of Business Economics at Leiden University. He is also linked to the technical office of BDO accountants and consultants and has been a member of the technical staff of the Dutch Accounting Standards Board (DASB) from 2005 to 2012. He is (co-) author of a great number of books and articles in the field of management and accounting. His research focuses on Consolidated Financial Statements, Business Combinations and goodwill, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Accounting for Nonprofit organizations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


  • Blommaert, A.M.M., & Blommaert, J.M.J. (2012). Bedrijfseconomische analyses, bedrijfseconomie vanuit management-perspectief (7th ed.). Groningen, the Netherlands: Stenfert Kroese/Wolters Noordhoff.
  • Blommaert, J.M.J. (2010). Consolidatie van balans en winst- en verliesrekening. In Bac, A.D., Gortemaker, J.C.A., Kocks, H.C., & Wallage, Ph. (Eds.). Handboek Accountancy (Suppl. 25, B1.1161 – 24). Deventer, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
  • Kamp, B., & Blommaert, J.M.J. (2009). Hoofdlijnen IFRS. Deventer, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
  • Blommaert, J.M.J. (2009). Kapitaalbelangen. Praktijkgids IFRS, 12. Deventer, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
  • Blommaert J.M.J., & Kamp, B. (2007). Business Combinations. Deventer, the Netherlands: Kluwer.