Theo M.M. Verhallen is professor of marketing since 1988, from 2010 on research director at TIAS and director of TiSIL, Tilburg Social Innovation Lab, the new topinstitute on social innovation to further the development of the region of Middle Brabant. Prof.dr. Verhallen studied economics in Tilburg and psychology in Nijmegen to work in the interface of both, within economic psychology and marketing mostly at Tilburg University but also for 6 years with Unilever in international market research. Prof.dr. Verhallen served within three Tilburg University faculties: within TIAS from 1988 to 1991 as part time professor (distinguished professor), Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) where he also served as Dean from 2000 to 2007 to become Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences from 2007 to 2010. His research interest is broad, published some 150 articles and books, recently focused on market orientation, new product development and creating new business activities. He teaches business research methods. He holds several positions in Boards of Public-Private enterprises.