Prof.dr. Piet Duffhues

Prof.dr. Piet Duffhues

Professor Emeritus
Expert areas: Business & Society (Corporate Governance, Globalisation), Finance (Asset Pricing, Banking, Behavioural Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate Banking Services, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Finance Theory, Financial Analysis, Financial Derivatives, Financial Engineering, Financial Institutions, Financial Intermediation, Financial Management, Financial Mathematics, Financial Planning, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Financial Services, Financial Systems, International Finance, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Investments, Personal Financial Planning, Private Equity, Private Finance, Quantitative Finance, Risk Management, Venture Capital, Wealth Management), Management & Organisation (Finance and Treasury Management, Risk Management), Strategy & Innovation (Entrepreneurship)


Prof.dr. Duffhues studied business administration at Tilburg University with a specialization on finance. He became a scientific staff member at TiSEM immediately after his graduation in 1967. Since then he performed many educational and research activities as well as management functions in the Department. In 1985 he was appointed an Associate Professor of Finance, and in 1986 a Core Teacher at TIAS. In 1996 he became a Director of Studies in The School of Financial Economics at TIAS. In 1999 he was appointed Full Professor of Finance at Tilburg University. In 2000 he obtained his PhD which is titled: Corporate Finance: Orientation on Integration. From 1996 to 2003 he was Academic Director of the Master in Finance at TiasNimbas. In 2006 he became an Emeritus Professor at Tilburg University and TIAS School for Business and Society.

Prof.dr. Duffhues' current position is Emeritus Professor of Finance on a part time basis at Tilburg University. His research and education comprise a very broad field of subjects within the field of finance and accountancy. He published many books and articles (about 200). Several of them are leading text books on Finance in the Netherlands. Prof.dr. Duffhues has lots of scientific contacts within the Dutch finance world including the Dutch government.


  • Duffhues, P.J.W., & Blok-Schrader, E.G.M.E. (2009). Meervoudige hefboomwerking en de waardering van bijzondere aandeelvormen. Kwartaalschrift Economie, 6(2), 219-247.
  • Duffhues, P.J.W., & Kabir, R. (2008). Is the Pay -Performance Relationship always Positive? Evidence from the Netherlands. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 18, 45-60. (Abstract)
  • Duffhues, P.J.W. (2006). Ondernemingsfinanciering, corporate governance en Tobin’s Q. Kwartaalschrift Economie, 3(2), 125-149.
  • Duffhues, P.J.W. (2006). Ondernemingsfinanciering en vermogensmarkten: Waardeschepping door financierings-, dividend- en riskmanagementbeslissingen (3e ed.). Amsterdam, Nederland: Stenfert Kroese.
  • Duffhues, P.J.W. (2002). Ondernemingsfinanciering en vermogensmarkten: Waardeschepping door financiele analyse, werkkapitaalbeheer en investeringsbeslissingen (3e ed.). Amsterdam, Nederland: Stenfert Kroese.