Prof.dr. Pascal Böni

Prof.dr. Pascal Böni

Expert areas: Finance


Pascal Böni is Professor of Practice in Finance and Chair of Finance and Private Markets at Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM), Tilburg University, and heads the Tilburg Institute for Private Markets (TiPM) as its managing director. He is also Associate Professor of Finance at Tilburg University’s business school, TIAS, where he teaches in the Master in Finance (MiF) program. Moreover, he acts as the Academic Director for the joint (dual degree) Master in Finance / MBA in Finance program of TIAS and the University of Basel in Switzerland. His research interests are private markets (private equity, venture capital, private debt) on the one side, and mergers & acquisitions and corporate finance on the other side. Pascal also has a lectureship in private markets at the University of Basel, is a regular speaker at executive education events of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of St. Gallen, and acts on the Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee of the annual Private Markets Research Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. Pascal earned a PhD in Finance from Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University. He graduated with a Master of Business Administration from the Simon Business School, University of Rochester, New York; and a Master in Business Law from the Graduate School of Business, Economics Law and Social Sciences at the University of St. Gallen.
Apart from teaching and researching in the field of corporate finance and private markets, Pascal works as the CEO of Remaco Group, a Swiss securities firm and financial advisory company, focusing on corporate finance and alternative assets. He serves on the board of directors of several companies, for example the Swiss Association of Securities Firms (SASF). He previously acted on the board of various listed and unlisted national and international companies in the media, energy, IT and the financial services industry and advised some 100+ corporate finance and M&A transactions. Pascal is a regular speaker at conferences in Switzerland and abroad.


  • Böni, P. & Joos, Ph. (2024). ESG in Private Marktes. In: Cumming, D., Hammer, B. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Böni, P. & Zimmerman, H. (2024). The Credit Suisse Bailout in Hindsight – Not a Bitter Pill to Swallow, but a Case to Follow. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (Vol. 38 (1), 2024). 
  • Böni, P. (2023). Performance of Private Debt. In: Cumming, D., Hammer, B. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Böni, P., Kroencke, T., and Vasvari, F.P. (2023). The UBS-Credit Suisse Merger: Helvetia’s Gift (June 20, 2023). Available at Social Science Research Network (SSRN) or
  • Böni, P. & de Roon, F.A., Risk-Adjusted Private Debt Fund Performance, and the Term Structure of Alphas (2023). Available at Social Science Research Networtk (SSRN)
  • Böni, P. & Manigart, S. (2022). Private debt fund returns, persistence, and market conditions. Financial Analysts Journal 78, 4, p. 121-144.
  • Böni, P., Hendrikse, J., & Joos, Ph., ESG Transparency of Private Equity and Debt Firms (2022). Available at Social Science Research Network (SSRN): or
  • Böni, P. & Zimmermann, H. (2021). Are stock prices driven by expected growth rather than discount rates? Evidence based on the COVID-19 crisis. Risk Management 23, p. 1-29.
  • Various publications in Trade Journals and Magazines (such as Finanz & Wirtschaft, Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ), Financial Times (FT), Oxford University’s Business Law Blog, Duke University’s Financial Economics Center, Sonntagszeitung, Schweizer Monat, CFO Magazine etc.