Drs. Oscar David MA

Drs. Oscar David MA

Adjunct Professor
Expert areas: Business & Society (Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility), Family Business (Business Family Dynamics, Change Management, Consulting, Family Governance, Social Entrepreneurship), Management & Organisation (Career and Professional Development Coaching, Change Management, Consensus Building, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Executive and Leadership Coaching, Implementation of Change and Transition Processes, Organisational Behaviour, Organisational Development, Organisational Learning), Strategy & Innovation (Conflict Management, Strategy and Leadership)


Oscar G. David MA (1965) is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, board room consultant and speaker on leadership and change. For more than 25 years he guided leaders and professionals in the top of many international companies, financial institutions, ministries and other government organizations and healthcare institutions. Oscar David is author of the book The Enneagram in the workplace (2018) and The Integrity of Power (2016). Within TIAS he is core teacher in the Senior Executive Program for Leadership Excellence.


  • David, O.G. Macht! Van instinct tot integriteit. Mediawerf, 5e druk 2019
  • David, O.G. Impactvol leiderschap begint bij heel goed luisteren. The Netherlands, Management Impact 2019.
  • David, O.G. Leiderschap 3.0. Wat sustainability leadership jou en je organisatie oplevert. MT 2018.
  • David, O.G. Wat je kunt leren van leiders zonder moreel kompas. The Netherlands, Management Team 2018.
  • David, O.G. The Enneagram in the Workplace. Warden Press 2018.
  • David, O.G. Baghwan, Facebook en de werking van macht. In Goede Raad voor Commissarissen, Mediawerf 2018
  • David, O.G. Sustainability leadership is het leiderschap van de toekomst. The Netherlands, Management Team 2018.
  • David, O.G.  Facetten der Macht. Germay, Erich Schmidt Verlag 2016.
  • David, O.G. The Integrity of Power. The Netherlands, Warden Press 2016