Floris van der Bijl is teacher Business Process Control at the IT Audit study since 2015. As a student he ended the same study in 2011.
At this moment Van der Bijl is a self deployed program and change manager focused on business process control in relationship to both finance, IT and business goals. He has led and is leading several programmes in the finance industry and SME to get business processes in control, to develop and implement IT and get business processes compliant to changing laws and regulations.
His expertise is not only on different project and program management techniques, such as Prince2, scrum, lean and SAFe (agile). He was responsible for the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the leading Dutch insurer Achmea, reorganisation and documentation to the WFT (Dutch Act on Financial Supervision) and the execution of European tenders. As senior risk manager he has many experience on managing risks and implementation of the Solvency II regulations.