Prof.dr. Erik van de Loo

Prof.dr. Erik van de Loo

Expert areas: Management & Organisation (Change Management, Leadership, Organisational Behaviour)


Prof.dr. E.L.H.M. (Erik) van de Loo is Professor in 'Leadership and Behavior' at TIAS. He is affiliate professor of organizational behaviour at INSEAD (Singapore, Fontainebleau), where he is Program Co-Director of the “Executive Masters in Change” since 2000. From 2012 to 2015 he has occupied the Tun Ismail Abdul Chair of Leadership at UniRazak University in Kuala Lumpur. Previously he has held a professorship at the Free University of Amsterdam. He is fellow and co-founder of Phyleon, Leadership & Governance in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Phyleon is specialised in Leadership, Board dynamics and Corporate Governance. Phyleon applies a system psychodynamic approach of interrelated change processes at individual, group and organisational level. Erik van de Loo is a graduate in Clinical Psychology (Cum Laude) from Radboud University Nijmegen, obtained a doctorate degree in Social Sciences at Leiden University (1987) and holds a master’s degree in Work and Organisation in Occupational Health at SIOO (1997). He is a licensed psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, a member of The International Psychoanalytical Association, the Dutch Society of Psychoanalysis and the International Society for Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations. Erik van de Loo has worked as a clinical psychologist in the Royal Dutch Army (1981-1984) and has been a faculty member at Leiden University (1984 - 1991). He has experience in working with leaders and organizations in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin-America and the Middle East. He is specialised in the design and implementation of major change and transition processes in organisational culture and leadership. Helping leaders to better understand themselves in their roles and interactions with individual employees, teams and organisations.  He has been a columnist and contributor on leadership for Intermediair, a Dutch weekly journal and for FD, a Dutch financial journal. His actual research focus is on Board Leadership and Board Dynamics, exploring the interaction between Boards of Executives and Non-Executives in their respective roles at the very top of the organization.


  • Verhoeven, A., Van De Loo, E., Marres, H., & Lalleman, P. (2022). Knowing, relating and the absence of conflict: relational leadership processes between hospital boards and chairs of nurse councils. Leadership in Health Services.
  • De Maat, S., Scherbakova, O., & Van de Loo, E. (2021). Unconscious phantasies driving leaders and boards. A tentative exploration of unconscious phantasy patterns driving leaders. Paper accepted and presented at 37th EGOS Conference Amsterdam, July 2021.
  • Loo, E. van de, Scherbakova, O., & De Maat, S. (2021) Metaphors of Success. An object-relational exploration of inner walls and doors in young Russian Leaders. Paper accepted and presented for the Annual Symposium of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO), Berlin July 2021.
  • Loo, E. van de & Lorch, T. (2021) Developing responsible leadership: the case of Fabio Barbosa. In: N.M. Pless and Th. Maak (eds). Responsible Leadership (2nd ed.)(pp. 279-291). London: Routledge.
  • Loo, E. van de (2021) Social Defences: Isabel Menzies Lyth. In: M. Ruijters, R. Schut & R-J. Simons (eds) Canon van het leren & ontwikkelen. Deventer: Kluwer, Boom, 487-497.
  • Min, K. & Loo, E. van de (2021) To find your dream career, show your unconscious who’s boss.
  • Tcholakian, L. Khapova, S. & Loo, van de E., (2020). What is so important about my history? Conversations about historical consciousness in leader-learning executive education. Submitted/under 2nd round of review: Academy of Learning & Development Journal.
  • Tcholakian, L., Khapova, S., & Loo, van de E., (2020). The role of ethnicity and the development of consciously authentic leaders. Submitted/under review: Journal of Management Inquiry.
  • Winter, J. & Loo, E. van de (2020) The Role of the Board in Times of Distress. INSEAD Knowledge 7 April 2020.
  • Winter, J.W. & Loo, E.L.H.M., van de (2020). ‘De rol van de raad van commissarissen ten tijde van nood’, Ondernemingsrecht. (Online Publication
  • Van der Veer, A., Pheijffer, M., Gorter, K., & Loo, E., van de  (2020). Spiegel voor de accountancysector. Third Report Monitoring Committee Accountancy, The Netherlands.
  • Loo, E. van de, Tcholakian, L., & Lehman, R. (2020). How Leadership Can Emerge from the Trauma of History. INSEAD Knowledge, January.
  • Loo, E. van de & K. Cools. (2019) For the truth about how bosses behave, ask their assistants.   INSEAD Knowledge.
  • Tcholakian, L. A., Khapova, S. N., Van De Loo, E., & Lehman, R. H. (2019). Collective Traumas and the development of leader Values: a currently omitted, but increasingly urgent, research area. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.