Drs. Bart van Beurden RA

Drs. Bart van Beurden RA

Expert areas: Accounting & Control


Drs. Bart van Beurden RA is Adjunct Professor at TIAS. He is also a lecturer at Tilburg University. His focus is on external reporting and corporate governance.

From 1993 to 2001, Drs. van Beurden was Corporate Controller and member of the executive board of health insurer VGZ. In this position he was responsible for financial, operational and EDP auditing, policy statements, taxation, treasury and investment policy. During this period he also functioned as a board member of the pension fund SPA and as auditor of a major holding company. Previously, from 1973 to 1993, he worked at Philips International in a variety of functions and in many different countries, providing him with a truly international perspective on business.
Since 2002 he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Housing Association Bergopwaarts, located in Deurne. His duties for the Association are in the area of governance, finance and remuneration. Until 2009, he functioned as Vice-Chairman of the Board, and Chairman of the Audit Committee; since 2009 he has functioned as Chairman of the Board.

From 2001 to 2010 he was Director of Capital Markets and Corporate Governance at Ernst & Young, Rotterdam. He was responsible for the supervision of capital market transactions, was a corporate governance and risk management consultant, and a consultant for complex accounting and reporting issues (IFRS). This experience led to his becoming a member of the Corporate Governance Committee, and the Committee of Nivra Capital Markets, as well as Member of the Internal Control and Capital Markets Committees of the FEE (Fédération des Experts Comptables Européen , the Federation of European Accountants) in Brussels.

Since 2010 he has been a Member of the Board of the Foundation Faith, Hope and Love (Castle Croy in Aarle-Rixtel). On behalf of the NBA – the Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants) - he is a member of the both the Internal Control Committee, and the Capital Markets Committee, of the FEE. Adjunct Professor van Beurden is also a member of Rotary Helmond.

His wide experience in accounting and governance issues from both an academic and practitioner perspective has resulted in his publishing in numerous (Dutch) journals, including Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, De accountant, Tijdschrift Goed Bestuur, and Tijdschrift voor Jaarrekeningrecht.