Prof.dr. Arjan van Weele

Prof.dr. Arjan van Weele

Full Professor
Expert areas: Accounting & Control (Management ), Business & Society (Global Sourcing, Globalisation, Sustainable Development), Family Business (Strategy and Innovation), Management & Organisation (Business Administration, Implementation of Change and Transition Processes, Innovation Management), Operations (Supply Chain Management), Strategy & Innovation (Business Strategy, Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Strategic Corporate Governance, Strategy of Logistics, Sustainable Development)


Arjan van Weele holds the (parttime) NEVI-Chair of Purchasing and Supply Management, at Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS). He acts as an independent boardroom consultant to many large companies on procurement strategy and governance issues.

Before, he worked for 15 years in management consultancy both at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (1986-1989) and Holland Consulting Group (1989-1999) where he built his specialised consultancy in purchasing and supply chain management..

His consulting experience includes assignments from large, European manufacturing companies (ABB, Alcatel Bell, DAF Trucks, DSM, Honeywell, Shell International, Heineken, Royal Friesland Foods), construction industry (Skanska), retail (Ahold, Maxeda) and the service-industry (airlines, banks, public transport).

Apart from strategy he advised clients on such issues as purchasing co-ordination, centralization-, purchasing organizational structure, procurement benchmarking, performance measurement and improvement and training and development. Apart from these subjects he also advised clients on corporate wide cost down projects in purchasing, supplier strategy development and supplier alignment. Currently his research is devoted to developing effective procurement governance, category sourcing strategies, and value creation through building superior supplier relationships.

He worked for many years in education and research programs at Eindhoven University of Technology and Nyenrode University. Is/was related as visiting professor to several (international) management development programs, such as TiasNimbas Business School, (The Netherlands), Vlerick Gent Leuven School of Management (Belgium), University of Stuttgart (Germany), and European Institute of Purchasing Management (France).

Over the last 15 years he has published over 100 articles and 15 books on purchasing and supply management, including ‘Revolution in Purchasing’ (with Frank Rozemeijer (1996)) and the best selling textbooks ‘Inkoop in Strategisch Perspectief’ (Kluwer, Netherlands (1988-2008)) and ‘Purchasing and Supply Chain Management’ (Cengage Learning, London, (1995-2005)). The latter book was published in Chinese in 2003. Based upon his extensive research and publications he qualified as a senior research fellow of BETA, the accredited research school of Eindhoven University of Technology and Twente University. His last book was published in 2007 on 'Grondslagen van Inkoopmanagement' (Kluwer), a textbook specifally tailored to the needs of academic bachelor programs.

He is member of the Editorial Board the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Supply Chain Management (USA).

Holds an MBA degree from Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde at Delft (1978). Obtained his PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology (1984) on ‘Purchasing Control: Performance Measurement of the Industrial Purchasing Function'.

Finally he acts as member of the Supervisory Board of Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs (education) at Tilburg, Wim Bosman Group BV (third party logistics) at 's Heerenberg and Rockwool Benelux (insulation and fire protection), Roermond.

His academic trackrecord includes publications in refereed journals as Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, R&D Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal and The Journal of International Management. In 2003 he received the Hans Ovelgönne Award from the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (IFPSM) for his outstanding academic contribution in the area of purchasing and supply management.

In 2003 he was elected ‘Best Professor of the Year’ by the students of the International Purchasing and Supply Management MBA-program, as organised by the European Institute for Purchasing Management (EIPM) at Geneva. His course on 'Purchasing and Supplier Management' won the Industria Best Program Award for the year 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 a prize for the course that was best appreciated by the students of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology.

From 2003-2008 he was the academic director of the NEVI3 Purchasing Management Program (NEVI) and the International Purchasing Presidents' Strategic Dialogue Program (Purspective)(2004).


  • Van Weele, A.J. van (2010). Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Planning and Practice (5th ed.). London, England: Cengage.
  • Echtelt, F.E.A. van, Wynstra, J.Y.F., Weele, A.J. van & Duysters, G.M. (2008). Managing supplier involvement in new product development: a multiple-case study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 25(2), 180-201.
  • Van Echtelt, F.E.A., Wynstra, J.Y.F., & Van Weele, A.J. (2007). Strategic and Operational Management of Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A Contingency Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(4), 644-661.
  • Van Weele, A.J., (2007). On the need for fostering academic community rather than academic methodology in purchasing and supply chain management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 13(3), 204-206.
  • Gelderman, C.J. & Van Weele, A.J. (2005). Purchasing portfolio models: a critique and update. The Journal of Supply Chain Management, Summer, 19-28.