Business and Society

Monitoring platform shows: what is my money doing for the world?

September 17, 2012 | 1 min read

According to Davis, GATE’s electronic platform, which was launched in February 2011, can be seen as an ‘ecosystem’ of impact investment. It enables investors to measure, manage and compare both the financial and the social and environmental impact of investments. One key advantage is that, as transactions occur online, data from this new ‘ecosystem’ is being generated. Davis recognizes that GATE is still operating in nascent industry. Therefore, the platform has incorporated all the placeholders and allows individual investors to determine for themselves which queries are most important to them. By usage over time in the next year or two, Davis expects to find out what the dominant questions in respect to social metrics are.

One of the goals of the management at GATE Global Impact is to “redefine mainstream investment to include the value systems of impact investing,” states Davis. “We would like every investor to look at the world, and at every investment they make, and ask: What impact does this investment have? What is my money doing for the world?”


This article may be reproduced according to our terms of use with attribution (and link, if online) to To be cited as: “Monitoring platform shows: what is my money doing for the world?”, William Davis,, September 17, 2012.

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