Dr. Freek Lapré

Dr. Freek Lapré

Expert areas: Health & Education (Health Care Management, Innovation, Strategy), Management & Organisation (Change Management, Quality Management)


Dr. Freek Lapré is a nurse by training, a health scientist, a change management expert and a service quality specialist in elderly care. Freek is a certified management consultant in the broad field of long-term care and services for the elderly for Dutch and international clients in Europe, Australia, China and the Russian Federation. He works in his own company QOLity BV and is partner in Dementia Village Advisors. Freek is involved in executive training programs for management in elderly care and services in Europe and China and was for 10 years a visiting professor in the USA. He is an Executive Professor at the TIAS Business School of the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands specialised in service quality, business strategy, innovations and new business concepts. He is member of a supervisory board of a care hotel and a elderly care provider in the Netherlands. Finally, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of European Centre for Research and Education in Ageing Services (ECREAS) the knowledge centre of the European Ageing Network (EAN) in Brussels, Belgium.


  • Lapré F., Minkman M. (2023) Actuele ontwikkelingen in de ouderenzorg. In P. van der Voort, N van der Meer en S. Rozie, Zorg voor transitie. Utrecht, Tijdstroom.
  • Lapré F., Minkman M. (2023) Zorg en welzijn: een introductie. In P. vd Voort, N van der Meer en S. Rozie, Zorg voor transitie.Utrecht, Tijdstroom.
  • Lapré, F., Davies, M., Horecký, J., Smeets, M., Koster, A., Mattersberger, M., Leser, M., Gouveia, A., (2021), Taboos and Prejudices in Long Term Care, Tábor, Associace poskytovatelû sociâlnich služeb České Republiky.
  • Lapré, F., Stevenson, D., Leser, M., Horecký, J., Kaserer, B., Mattersberger, M., (2021), Accompagnement des personnes âgées 2030 (2nd ed.), Luxembourg, Réseau, Europeén du Vieillissement.
  • Lapré, F., Stevenson, D., Leser, M., Horecký, J., Kaserer, B., Mattersberger, M., (2020), Los Cuidados de Larga Duración en Europa 2030 (2nd ed.), Madrid, Lares, Spain.
  • J. Caris., T. Poiesz., F. Lapré. (2019), Complexe vraagstukken vragen om een Integraal Analyse Model, Neer, Kloosterhof.
  • Lapré, F., Stevenson, D., Leser, M., Horecký, J., Kaserer, B., Mattersberger, M., (2019), Long Term Care 2030, Tábor, Associace poskytovatelû sociâlnich služeb České Republiky.
  • Freek Lapré & Gillian Wright (2015): Stakeholder strategies for service: conceptualising user-focused service in nursing home care, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23 (5), 412–422, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2014.970216
  • Freek Lapré & Gillian Wright (2014): Stakeholder strategies for service: conceptualising user-focused service in nursing home care, Journal of Strategic Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2014.970216
  • Lapré, F. and Wright, G. (2014), Constructing a performance model of service quality in nursing homes, Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge, Bandung, Indonesia (Best Overall Paper Award).
  • G. Wright and Freek Lapré  (2014), Expectations and satisfaction in nursing home care: the voice of the elderly, International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Ottawa, Canada.
  • Lapré, F. and Wright, G. (2013),  Service Quality in Nursing Homes International Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China.
  • Lapré, F. and Wright, G. (2013), Service quality in nursing homes: a construct, measurement and performance model to increase client focus. ACSA Aged and Community Services Australia Melbourne, Australia.
  • Lapré, F and Wright, G. (2013), Stakeholder satisfaction with ageing services, International Federation on Ageing, Istanbul, Turkey, (Best Paper Award).
  • Wright, G., Lapré, F. and Harding, N. (2012), Service Quality and Stakeholder Decision-making in Elderly Care, International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, Thessaloniki, Greece.