Marcel van Assen Marcel van Assen

Endowed Professor
Expertisegebieden: Management & Organisation (Change Management, Implementation of Change and Transition Processes, Innovation Management, Leadership, Operations Management, Performance Management, Quality Management, Service Management), Operations (Logistics Management, Operational Excellence), Strategy & Innovation (Process Innovation)

Biografie Marcel van Assen is hoogleraar Operational Excellence. Hij doceert als kerndocent (service) operations management / operational excellence in diverse MSc programma’s zoals de Executive Master of Management & Organisation (MMO) en de Executive Master of Operations & Supply Chain Excellence (MOS) en in de Executive Master of Finance & Control / Register Controller. Bovendien verzorgt hij diverse masterclasses Operational Excellence. Het onderzoek van prof. Van Assen richt zich op de infrastructuur, cultuur en leiderschap van operationeel excellente organisaties, met speciale aandacht voor lean en agile management. Hierbij spelen onderwerpen als continu verbeteren, absorptievermogen, operationele ambidextrie, sturen op resultaat, en lean leiderschap een belangrijke rol. Daarnaast is hij partner/adviseur bij OpX-Consultants BV waar hij zich richt op vraagstukken op het gebied van strategie-implementatie en operations-& innovatiemanagement (Lean, Agility, Operational Excellence, Ambidexterity) voor industriële en dienstverlenende organisaties.


  • van Assen, M.F., & Caniëls, M.C.J. (2022). Economic and social LMX and innovative work behaviour: The moderating effect of paradox mindset. European Journal of Innovation Management, 25(6), 1057-1075.
  • Caniëls, M.C.J., Adamska, K.M., van Oortmerssen, L.A., & van Assen, M.F. (2021). Set your mind on it: The mediating role of mindset in the relationship between a learning-from-error climate and work-related flow. Current Psychology
  • van Assen, M.F. (2021). Lean, process improvement and customer-focused performance. The moderating effect of perceived organisational context. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(1), 57-75.
  • van Assen, M.F. (2021). Training, employee involvement and continuous improvement – the moderating effect of a common improvement method. Production Planning & Control, 32(2), 132-144.
  • van Assen, M.F. (2020). Empowering leadership and contextual ambidexterity – the mediating role of committed leadership for continuous improvement. European Management Journal, 38(3), 435-449.
  • van Oortmerssen, L.A., Caniëls, M.C.J., & van Assen, M.F. (2020). Coping with work stressors and paving the way for flow: Challenge and hindrance demands, humor, and cynicism. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21, 2257-2277.
  • Caniëls, M.C.J., & van Assen, M.F. (2019). How motivational orientations are related to ambidexterity. Kybernetes, 48(10), 2177-2189.
  • van Assen, M.F., & de Mast, J. (2019). Visual performance management as a fitness factor for Lean. International Journal of Production Research, 57(1), 285-297.
  • van Assen, M.F. (2018). Exploring the impact of higher management’s leadership styles on Lean management. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(11-12), 1312-1341.
  • van Assen, M.F. (2018). The moderating effect of management behavior for Lean and process improvement. Operations Management Research, 11(1-2), 1-13.
  • van Assen, M.F. (2018). Process orientation and the impact on operational performance and customer-focused performance. Business Process Management Journal, 24(2), 446-458.