Webinar: Real estate from a pension perspective
Show me the money! Under that adage, the real estate sector is looking increasingly at the pension sector. Our pension funds collectively manage over EUR 400 billion in assets, which the real estate sector would like to have access to in order to be able to start building, financing and investing again.
But is the Dutch real estate market still an attractive option for our pension money? How do pension funds come to their final decision? What are pension investors currently looking for?
On Thursday 20 December, Dirk Brounen (TIAS School for Business and Society) discussed this with Maarten van der Spek (PGGM Investments).
Reading tips
Why real estate?, Susan Hudson-Wilson, Jacques N. Gordon, Frank J. Fabozzi, Mark J. P. Anson, and S. Michael Giliberto (2005)
Het Canadese Hypotheekmodel, Bovenberg (2012) - in Dutch