Prof.dr. Erik Beulen

Prof.dr. Erik Beulen

Full Professor
Expertisegebieden: Information Technology, Strategy & Innovation

Prof. Erik Beulen is momenteel hoogleraar aan Tilburg University en Academic Director voor de executive MSc Information Management & Digital Transformations aan TIAS School for Business and Society en hoogleraar Information Management aan de University of Manchester (UK).

Als bijzonder hoogleraar bekleedde hij van 2008 tot 2015 de KPMG Global Sourcing Chair aan Tilburg University. Hij promoveerde in 2000 aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Zijn onderzoek concentreert zich op informatiemanagement, disruptieve technologieën, outsourcing en governance. Zijn papers zijn gepubliceerd in tijdschriften zoals Journal of Information Technology, de European Management Journal, Information Technology & People, Strategic Outsourcing, Journal for Information Technology for Development en Communications Association for Information Systems en de proceedings van de HICSS en ICIS. Hij is auteur en co-auteur van verschillende boeken over outsourcing en offshore outsourcing. Beulen is ook de hoofdauteur van het boek "Managing IT outsourcing", gepubliceerd door Routledge, UK (2006 en derde herziene editie in 2021) en co-editor van Managing Digital Outsourcing, eveneens gepubliceerd door Routledge, UK (2020). Zijn boek over Data Analytics en digitale transformaties is gepubliceerd in 2023. 
Prof. dr. Erik Beulen heeft een bewezen technologische staat van dienst bij Accenture, Boston Consulting Group en KPMG. Momenteel is hij werkzaam als extern adviseur bij Bain & Company.


  • Beulen, E. & Dans, M. (2023). Data analytics and digital transformation. London, England: Routledge.
  • Beulen, E., Plugge, A., & van Hillegersberg, J. (2022). Formal and relational governance of artificial intelligence outsourcing. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 1-30.
  • Beulen, E., Ribbers, P., & Roos, J. (2021). Managing IT outsourcing, governance in global partnerships (3rd ed.). London, England: Routledge.
  • Beulen, E., & Bode, R. (2021). An information technology and innovation committee to guide digital transformations. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 17(2), 38–53.
  • Beulen, E., Ribbers, P. (2020) Managing Digital Outsourcing. London, England: Routledge.
  • Beulen, E. (2019) Digital maturity, in Digital technologies and global sourcing of services. Editors: I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks, Springer, pp. 69-81.
  • Beulen, E. (2018) Implementing and Contracting Agile and DevOps. Editors: I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks, Springer, pp. 124-146.
  • Beulen, E. (2017) Cloud Readiness as an Enabler for Application Rationalization. Global sourcing of digital services. Editors: I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks, Springer, pp.111-123.
  • Beulen, E. (2016) Exit management, a survey in exit management best practices. Editors: I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks, Springer, pp. 178-192.
  • Beulen, E. (2015) The importance of IT energy efficiency in outsourcing decision making. Editors: I. Oshri, J. Kotlarsky and L. Willcocks, Springer, pp. 240-250.
  • Punte Kalsheim, J. and E. Beulen (2013) Framework for measuring the environmental efficiency of IT and setting strategies for green IT: a case study providing guidance to Chief Information Officers, chapter 7 in Green ICT & Energy: From smart to wise strategies, editors: J. Appelman, M. Warnier & A. Osseyran in Sustainable Energy Developments serie (#5), CRC press, pp.77-96.
  • Beulen, E. (2012) I’m working while they’re sleeping: What do we still need to learn about outsourcing across time zones? Strategic Outsourcing, vol. 5 (1), pp. 89-93.
  • Beulen, E., Ribbers, P., & Roos, J. (2011). Managing IT outsourcing, governance in global partnerships (2nd ed.). London, England: Routledge.
  • Beulen, E., Tiwari, V., & van Heck, E. (2011). Understanding Transition Performance During Offshore IT Outsourcing. Strategic Outsourcing, 4(3), 204-227.
  • Beulen, E. (2010). Long-held perceptions of the consequences of IT offshoring will become a reality: Fewer IS jobs in developed countries. Journal of Information Technology, 25(4), 376-377.